组织芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 6:45 26
1. What are the differences and similarities between tissue chips and DNA chips and protein chips?2, How many times can a tissue chip be used 3. How does the How does a tissue c...

Tissue chip (application of tissue chip)

What are the similarities and differences between tissue chips and DNA chips and protein chips

1. The difference between tissue chip and DNA chip and protein chip is that the samples targeted are different. Tissue chip technology is mainly for the detection technology of tissue samplesThe interaction.

2. Tissue chip, as a revolutionary technology in the field of molecular biology, arranges micro-tissue samples on a single carrier in an orderly manner with unique morphological design, and is known as another masterpiece of biotechnology after gene chip and protein chip.

3. The gene chip is a method for nucleic acid sequence determination by hybridizing with a group of nucleic acid probes with known sequence. The probe with known sequence of octonucleotide is fixed on the surface of a substrate.

4, the protein chip technology is similar to the gene chip, the difference is that the lattice is loaded with protein molecules, using fluorescenceIt is a polyclonal antibody or specific monoclonal antibody prepared by immunizing animals, preferably a monoclonal antibody with strong specificity and high efficiency.

3. Even if pathological sections of difficult cases will be diagnosed, immunohistochemical or in-situ hybridization sections will not be repeated for the same type of immunohistochemical or in-situ hybridization detection because each section is attached with positive staining control tissue, saving medical expenses.

4, if a genetic marker is placed on the corresponding position of a specific haploid gene in yeast, the marker can be identified by DNA chips, then by comparing the drug before and after the chip detectionFrom the results of the entire library, it is possible to obtain target genes for drug action.

5, secondly, choose the brand is imported or domestic domestic tools are relatively simple, the current instrument provides less drill size, usually 0.6mm/1mm/5mm more. Imported instruments beautiful, generous, exquisite instrument design, the use of more convenient.

How does a tissue chip work differently than a gene chip?

1, the tissue chip is selectedThe pathological tissue is made from the drilled paraffin block, which is actually a collection of tissues. The gene chip is a method of nucleic acid sequence determination by hybridizing with a group of nucleic acid probes with known sequence. The probe with known sequence of octanucleotide is fixed on the surface of a substrate.

2. Different from traditional nucleic acid in situ hybridization or immunohistochemistry, tissue chips integrate multiple detection tasks at once. The former is detected gene by gene and tissue by tissue, while the tissue chip can observe the expression of multiple genes or tissues on a single slice at the same time, realizing the diversification of a single detection.

3. Tissue chip and DNA coreComparison of chip and protein chip: Tissue chip, gene chip and protein chip together constitute the biochip series. DNA chips are relatively simple, which is to pre-print a nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence on the chip, and then cross the labeled sample with it.

A revolution in biology. The difference between tissue chip and DNA chip and protein chip is that the samples targeted at are different. Tissue chip technology is mainly targeted at the detection technology of tissue samples. DNA chip is targeted at the nucleotide fragment containing the target gene sequence, and protein chip is mainly used to study DNA.The interaction between proteins.

5, biochips can be divided into gene chips, protein chips, cell chips, tissue chips and lab-on-a-chip according to the fixed biomolecules and materials.