This article catalogue at a glance: 1, Chip production process and principles ˂/li 2. How Chips Were Invented ˂/li 3. How are chips made? ˂/a ˂/li 4. Exploring Chip Magic: From...

The process and principle of making chips (The process and principle of making chips ppt)

This article catalogue at a glance:

  • 1, Chip production process and principles
  • 2. How Chips Were Invented 3. How are chips made? 4. Exploring Chip Magic: From the Basics to How It Works

    Chip making process and principles

    The production process and principle of the chip is as follows: the production process of the chip Simply put, a layer of gold is deposited on a piece of glass, and then this layer of gold is partially heated and melted and then poured onto the underside of the substrate. And then an etching in this place, that is, in this gold surface carved out of an integrated circuit.

    Chip production process generally have the preparation of semiconductor materials, wafer preparation, photolithography, etching technology, cleaning and testing; the principle is based on semiconductor properties Wo electronics theory. Production process: the preparation of semiconductor materials Chip manufacturing materials are semiconductor materials, such as silicon, germanium and so on.

    The same chip core can have different package forms, the reason is that the wafer is fixed, the pins are bundled, according to the need to make different package forms. For example: DIP, QFP, PLCC, QFN, etc. This mainly depends on the user's application habits, application environment, market form and other peripheral factors.

    The process of manufacturing a chip is essentially the process of realising a transistor on silicon material.

    How the chip was invented

    Raw materials for single-crystal wafers: The raw material for chip making is mainly silicon wafers (Silicon Wafer), which are rounded thin sheets of high-purity silicon.

    Year Jack? Kimberly invented the integrated circuit chip in his lab in Texas. His invention changed the entire industry. Integrated circuits became the core of today's electronics. The development of the integrated circuit chip contributed to the creation of the 4004 microprocessor, the first generation of microprocessors from Intel in 1971.

    The entire process of making a chip is divided into many tiny steps. First the wafers are put into a heated furnace (Furnace), which has a temperature of 1,000 degrees Celsius, in order to oxidise the surface of the wafers and form an insulating layer of silicon dioxide.

    From ultraviolet to deep ultraviolet to extreme ultraviolet, only state-of-the-art extreme-ultraviolet lithography is currently available to make 7nm and 5nm chips.

    How are chips made?

    Chip design. The first step in making a chip, which is a small but highly precise product, is to design it. The design process requires the use of EDA tools and a number of IP cores, culminating in a blueprint of the chip design required for processing. Silicon Sand Separation. All semiconductor processes start with silicon sand.

    The same chip core can have different package forms, the reason for this is that the wafer is fixed, the pins are bundled, and different package forms are made according to the need. For example: DIP, QFP, PLCC, QFN, etc., which mainly depends on the user's application habits, application environment, market form and other peripheral factors.

    Simply put, a layer of gold is deposited on a piece of glass, and then the part of this layer of gold is heated and melted and poured to the underside of the substrate. Then an etching is done in this area, which is an integrated circuit carved out of this gold surface. Once this step of the production is complete, the chip needs to be polished.

    Raw materials for single-crystal wafers: The raw material for chip making is mainly silicon wafers (Silicon Wafer), which are rounded thin sheets of high-purity silicon.

    Explore Chip Magic: From the Basics to How It Works

    1, Chip Wikipedia Chips are integrated circuits, the crown of microelectronics technology. From communications, computers to space technology, are inseparable from its magic. The working principle of the chip hidden in thousands of transistor partners, they only have two states: on or off (that is, 1 and 0 la).

    2, in-depth understanding of the working principle of the LED chip The magic of the LED chip comes from the wonderful characteristics of the semiconductor material. When an electric current passes through the P-N junction between a P-type semiconductor and an N-type semiconductor, electrons and holes are compounded, releasing energy that is converted into visible light.

    3, the principle: chip is a kind of integrated circuit, composed of a large number of transistors. Different chips have different integration scale, large to hundreds of millions; small to several hundreds of transistors. Transistors have two states, on and off, represented by 0.