Thyristor is used as an anti-reverse electronic switch, the thyristor short circuit, no effect on the circuit but its voltage 0.7 difference is gone, so the output voltage should be reduced accordingly
The thyristor of the electric car charger is damaged, it cannot be short-circuited, and the thyristor of the same model must be replaced, and the cause of the thyristor damage should be investigated, and the thyristor of the electric car charger has no output voltage to repair, proving that the electric car charger is broken, first see if the insurance is broken, the repair is not good, replace a charger of the same model.
The thyristor inside the electric car charger is used to prevent reverse charging, and the thyristor will lose the anti-reverse charging function after short connection, such as positive and negative will burn the charger, if the battery positive and negative terminals can be used with the same charger.
Yes, do not short-circuit.
The three pins of the thyristor each have different functions, which may burn the thyristor after short-circuiting and cause circuit failure.