无线充鸡肋改装ichaiyang 2024-05-12 6:01 24
Wash the dirty clothes with saponin and set them aside. Put rice soup or rice water in a large pot and boil it on low heat, (ancient rich people dilute it with starch and then put...

How to wash clothes? Traditional sizing?

Wash the dirty clothes with saponin and set them aside. Put rice soup or rice water in a large pot and boil it on low heat, (ancient rich people dilute it with starch) and then put the clothes in warm slurry water, stir the clothes to let the clothes soak through the slurry water, soak for three to five minutes, and then take out the water and rinse, cool dry. In this way, the clothes are clean and clean, especially the white clothes will appear more white. The clothes are put on the body, looking neat and more energetic, rather than like a crumpled ball of pickled cabbage on the body. The general method of pulp: use rice soup 1, wash the clothes, rinse and wring out. 2. Dilute the rice soup with boiling water. 3. Soak the clothes that need to be washed in rice soup for about 3-5 minutes. 4. Take out the soaked clothes and rinse them gently. 5. Stretch and dry. Use starch 1, as above 2, dilute the starch with boiling water, and let it cool a little, put the clothes that need to be washed in it and soak for about 2-3 minutes. 3. Take out the soaked clothes and stretch them to dry. In ancient times, unlike modern soap, washing powder and other washing supplies, so the clothes are dirty, with what to wash it? There are mainly trona, starch, pancreas three categories. Trona includes soil base and vegetative base. Trona is commonly known as alkaline earth, alkaline land after weathering dehydration, the surface of the white powder trona growth, swept away a layer, every few days to return to a layer, the spring and autumn dry season for the good season to sweep soil alkali. Alkaline earth is edible and can also be used as a detergent for decontamination. Where soil alkali is not available, vegetative alkali is used. Vegetative alkaloids are plant ash containing potassium carbonate and alkaline saponin. According to \"Li Ji Inner Rules\" recorded: \"the crown with dirt, and gray clean gargled; Stains and ashes.\" The ancient people washed the crown belt of their clothes, and the ash water containing potassium carbonate was used. Gleditsia sinensis is the fruit of the gleditsia tree and was commonly used for washing clothes in ancient times. Song Zhuangchuo's \"Jilii · Gleditsia seed\" records: \"The capital took gleditsia seed seeds boiled, soaked in sugar water, called\" crystal soap.\" The acacia sinensis tree grows in many parts of China. It is a deciduous tree covered with thorns. The acacia sinensis fruit is rich in pancreaticosoap, which can be used instead of soap by crushing it. However, it needs to be reminded that pods, seeds, leaves and stem skins are toxic, and people can be poisoned by oral decoctions of 200 grams of saponin

Methods and steps: Wash the clothes, and then use flour (starch is better) to add a small amount of cool warm water in the basin to soak, and then pour boiling water to wash, while stirring, the concentration is appropriate to cool the clothes in the basin evenly stained on the above, take out the water droplets dry and cool to finish.

The traditional sizing process is as follows:

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1. First, wash the dirty clothes with ordinary washing methods and set them aside for use.

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2. Put rice soup or rice washing water in a large pot and bring to a boil.

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3, then put the clothes into the warm slurry water, stir the clothes to make the clothes thoroughly absorb the slurry water.

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4. Soak in cool slurry water for five minutes, and rub repeatedly.

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5. Hang the clothes, straighten them, and air dry them in a cool place.