无线慢充测试ichaiyang 2024-05-12 6:00 29
At present, the charging methods of electric vehicles are slow charging, fast charging, power change, wireless charging and mobile charging, but the vast majority of electric vehic...

The best charging sequence for new energy vehicles?

At present, the charging methods of electric vehicles are slow charging, fast charging, power change, wireless charging and mobile charging, but the vast majority of electric vehicles on the market only support slow charging and fast charging, and are equipped with slow charging and fast charging interfaces, and other charging methods have not been widely used.

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1, slow charging (conventional charging, car charging) is suitable for car charger and family wall-mounted charging pile, its current and power is relatively small, the general charging time takes 6-8 hours.

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2, fast charging (ground charging, emergency charging) including charging station and mobile trolley two forms, mainly through the non-vehicle charger using high current to directly charge the battery, so that the battery can be charged to about 80% of the electricity in a short time, generally 1 hour can be fully charged.

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3, the power is replaced by replacing the power battery to charge the car battery, when the power battery runs out, replace the battery pack with a fully charged battery, and send the replaced battery to the changing station to charge slowly.

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4, wireless charging is not the use of wires and cables, through the wireless charging source board embedded in the road and parking space automatically connected to the grid for charging and discharging. This charging method is convenient and safe to use, but it is not currently used in large quantities.

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5, mobile charging (MAC) is an extension of wireless charging, the owner does not need to look for a charging station, spend time to charge, you can charge when cruising on the road. The mobile charging system will be buried under a section of road, marking off a charging section and requiring no additional space.

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Will the use of fast charge deplete the battery?

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In principle, frequent fast charging will cause some harm to the battery compared to slow charging. After all, the fast charge uses a current several times or even 10 times higher than the standard charging current to charge, in the fast charge mode, when the power is charged to about 80%, the subsequent power will be filled in the form of slow charge.

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If the frequent use of fast charge, it will accelerate the polarization of the battery cell, resulting in the battery cell lithium analysis, the battery cell lithium analysis process, lithium ions will be reduced, and eventually lead to a decrease in battery capacity, affecting the battery life. However, in addition to the lithium iron phosphate battery, let the battery rest for a short time after fast charging, the lithium metal will change back to lithium ion, and the critical temperature will return to normal. However, frequent fast charging will still reduce the battery's ability to restore. Therefore, in order to ensure that electric vehicles better solve the driving range, owners can choose the practice of \"daily slow charge, emergency fast charge\

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Can new energy pure electric vehicles be charged?

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The charging process of electric vehicles is mainly divided into six steps: physical connection, low-voltage auxiliary power-on, charging handshake, charging parameter configuration, charging, and charging end.

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When charging an electric vehicle, the first condition to be met is the matching of the charging gun and the charging interface, that is, the physical connection. If the charging gun can be normally inserted into the car, the basis for charging is established. Low-voltage auxiliary power-on is the process of powering on the vehicle BMS, and only when the BMS is powered on can it further shake hands and communicate with the charging pile, that is, confirm the version of each other. If the version is the same, the BMS will send detailed vehicle information to exchange information with the charging pile. During the charging process, a large number of packets are generated between the two devices. If the packets do not match, normal charging cannot be completed.

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Under normal circumstances, once there is a charging failure or charging interruption, the charging pile will display the charging failure reason code. The meaning of these codes can be queried online, but it is a waste of time to query the code. It is recommended to call the customer service of the charging pile or ask the meaning of the fault code prompted by the charging station staff to determine whether the charging fault is caused by the car or the charging pile.

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New energy pure electric vehicles can not be charged in rainy days?

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Many car owners will worry that rain will penetrate the battery during driving or charging, resulting in leakage. In fact, the state has strictly controlled the waterproof performance of components such as charging piles and charging gun sockets to avoid accidents such as leakage during charging. As far as the electric vehicle itself is concerned, the on-board power battery adopts a waterproof design, and the charging port adopts an insulating sealing ring design.

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Therefore, it is possible to charge electric vehicles in rainy days, but during the charging operation, items such as umbrellas should be used to shield and protect them, ensure that the charging port and the charging gun are in a dry state, and keep your hands dry when inserting and removing the stun gun and closing the vehicle charging cover. In case of severe weather such as thunderstorms or typhoons, try not to choose outdoor charging, focusing on personal safety.

operational approach


Step 1: After the pure electric vehicle is powered off, open the charging port cover, and the charging indicator light on the motor tachometer is lit. At this point, the vehicle will not travel when it hits \"ON\" gear.

During the charging process, the charging indicator in the motor tachometer is always on. Only after unplugging the charging plug and closing the charging door, the charging indicator will be extinguished.


Step 2: Connect the charging plug to the charging socket on the vehicle.

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Step 3: Connect the other end of the charging plug to the charging socket on the charging pile. After swiping the card, the car charger will start charging the power battery pack. Or plug your home plug into A 220 V\/16 A outlet for charging.

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To charge a very low power battery pack to full charge, it generally takes 7h to use 220 V AC. The length of the charging time also depends on the state of charge (SoC) of the power battery pack, which is shorter when the state of charge is higher and longer when the state of charge is lower.

To check whether the power battery pack is fully charged during the charging process, just hit the key to the \"ACC\" or \"ON\" stop, which can be read from the dashboard.

When the pointer indicates 100%, it indicates that the power battery pack is fully charged. When the pointer does not indicate near 100%, it indicates that the power battery pack has not been fully charged.