Mobile phone chip belongs to the high-tech industry, can meet the world needs and requirements of the manufacturers are not many, the most famous and best performance is the United...

The country that makes chips for mobile phones?

Mobile phone chip belongs to the high-tech industry, can meet the world needs and requirements of the manufacturers are not many, the most famous and best performance is the United States Qualcomm, Snapdragon series is our domestic mobile phone favorite. Singapore is also one of the few countries in Asia that can independently develop and manufacture mobile phone chips, and Avago has a certain share of the global market.

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Mediatek chips in Taiwan Province, China, focus on performance and cost-effective, is the favorite of domestic cost-effective mobile phones, and the low-end functional mobile phones are basically half of Mediatek. There are also Nvidia of the United States, Taiwan's Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing company, Huawei's Hisilicon Kirin series, Apple of the United States, Samsung Electronics of South Korea, and Toshiba of Japan.

The main countries in the world that can manufacture mobile phone chips are the United States, China, South Korea, Japan and other countries. The chip industry is the comprehensive embodiment of a country's high-end manufacturing capabilities, and it is the strategic height of the global high-tech national competition. As the world's scientific and technological power, the United States has long occupied the dominant position in the chip industry. In addition, some countries and regions in Asia and Europe also have a place in the world chip industry.

There are: China (including Taiwan), the United States, Japan and Israel (Intel has factories in Israel). The real microcomputer CPU market is almost monopolized by Intel and AMD in the United States, and there are chip factories in the United States. Taiwan has VIA chips and the most advanced manufacturing technology to do contract manufacturing for these brands.

In summary, the countries that can manufacture mobile phone chips include China (including Taiwan), the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom, Canada and other countries, and the main technology is still in the hands of the United States and the United Kingdom, and China's \"core\" should be refuelled

No. 1: Qualcomm (US).

# 2: Avagor (Singapore).

No. 3: Mediatek (center).

No. 4 Nvidia (US).

No. 7: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (middle). These should be the most well-known chip brands at present.

Moreover, South Korea's Samsung is also very strong, China's SMIC, Japan's Kyushu Island, Germany's Dresden and so on. In fact, there are low-end duv lithography machines can manufacture chips, and really can produce high-end chips, such as high-end mobile phones and computer chips, only TSMC, Samsung, Intel, because only these few have euv high-end lithography machines.

The countries that can make chips are China, the United States, South Korea and so on