揭阳无线充设备ichaiyang 2024-05-12 5:26 29
The distance from Jieyang to Lianzhou is about 527.67 km to 587.25 km, the specific distance may vary slightly depending on the route. The total journey time is between 6.1 and 6.8...

Does anyone know how far Jieyang is from Lianzhou? How long does the ride take?

The distance from Jieyang to Lianzhou is about 527.67 km to 587.25 km, the specific distance may vary slightly depending on the route. The total journey time is between 6.1 and 6.8 hours. As for the cost, if you drive a gasoline car, the cost of fuel is expected to be between 317 and 352 yuan, and the road and bridge fees will be about 245 to 285 yuan.

If you drive a new energy vehicle, the electricity bill may be between 51 yuan and 104 yuan, depending on whether you use a home charging station or a public charging station when charging. These are estimates and actual conditions may be affected by road conditions, driving speed and other factors.

Jieyang is 581 kilometers away from Lianzhou, which takes 7 and a half hours by car.