羚羊无线充方案ichaiyang 2024-05-12 5:05 38
An old horse knows the way3 Old age4 Bulldoze cattleBe a dog for a tiger6 Get to the point7 Take a glance8 Take office9 Clues10 Chase the Central Plains11 Recruit troops12 The litt...

An idiom describing an antelope?

An old horse knows the way

3 Old age

4 Bulldoze cattle

Be a dog for a tiger

6 Get to the point

7 Take a glance

8 Take office

9 Clues

10 Chase the Central Plains

11 Recruit troops

12 The little dragon

13 Climb the Dragon and Join the Phoenix

14 Nightingales fly and grass grows

Tiger skin and sheep quality

15 Wait for the horse

17 There was no sound

Draw a tiger into a dog draw a tiger like a dog chicken fly dog away chicken bits and pieces

Marry chicken with chicken, marry dog with dog Wolf heart Wolf heart dog donkey heart dog lung

It's about sex and sex. It's about stealing

Pig, pig, pig, pig, pig, pig, pig and pig

Help the tiger to eat the tiger Feng he is not in the tiger's den, nothing to get the tiger hidden dragon crouching tiger owl eye tiger kiss

Newborn calf is not afraid of tiger spring ice tiger tail play sloppy-eyed adult tiger become big Xian tiger change

The tiger is hungry and the eagle is hungry and the tiger is hungry and the sheep is hungry

If a hungry tiger fights a Bush, a wounded tiger will return to the mountain to protect himself from the wind and the clouds from the dragon

Wind tiger Yunlong Fu tiger closed the door to raise tigers, tigers hurt official tiger Wolf fox tiger power

Tiger tiger back bear waist tiger do not eat children tiger fight dragon 虎踞龙盘

The tiger escapes the tiger and the rest of the tiger falls flat

Tiger pick up the musta tiger into the sheep tiger born three sons, there must be a tiger tiger body bear waist

Tiger head tiger head snake tail tiger swallow tiger tail spring ice tiger Wolong jump

Tiger howling wind tiger lair dragon pool painting tiger into dog painting tiger skin difficult to paint bone painting tiger dog

Hungry eagle hungry tiger will door tiger tiger down the dragon Fu tiger Jiuniuerhu effort 柙 out of the tiger

Tyranny is fiercer than greed, gobbling up flies and scratching the head of a tiger

The two tigers fight against each other, the dragon pan, the dragon pan, the tiger cave, the dragon pool, the tiger den

The dragon leaps and jumps, the dragon jumps and the tiger sleeps and walks

Dragon sing Tiger roar dragon struggle tiger fight Lu fish Emperor tiger riding the tiger resist the front door into the tiger, the back door into the Wolf skitty eyes, the crow and the thief, the fish leap dragon gate, rabbit dead fox sad, moth flame

The dog is the man

A dog catches a mouse

The dogs are friends with the foxes

a bunch of rascals

The dogs steal and the chickens crow

The dogs steal and the chickens crow

Dogs steal and mice steal

The dog barks at a man who is not his master.

The fright of a dog barking

be as cruel as a wolf

ingratiate oneself with someone to gain one's ends

a cornered beast will do something desperate

Sensual and sensual

a dog trying to catch mice

dogskin plaster


a petty theft

a person who offers bad advice

A dog with a rat brain

Dog tail ferret continued

A dog does what he wants

A dog behaves like a Wolf

The dog has a ferret tail

The dog continues the crown

The dog continued the golden Sable

pour dog's blood on ...

pour out a torrent of abuse

A dog depends on his power

be a bully under the protection of a powerful person

a worthless fellow

a worthless fellow

A dog goes and a fox goes

trusted aids are eliminated when they finish their mission

animal idioms

Shortsighted demons are looking at the rabbit dead fox sad dragon flying scorpion heart to success on the narrow path

Care for the old ox and the calf and return the tiger to the mountain. The cunning hare and the three caves are the finishing touch, the gilding snake and the swifting horse

A small trial ox knife dragon jump tiger Wufei rabbit walk old dragon Zhong Huai bow snake shadow car water malonghu into the sheep sharp mouth monkey chin crane chickens

Timid as a mouse, bold as a cow, crouching as a tiger, waiting for a rabbit, waiting for a dragon to frighten a snake, killing a chicken and intimidating a monkey

Herba Sieges swarms up and swallows up a handful of herba Sieges

A pig dog is not as good as a pig long house and small skills as a rare bird and a strange animal

The chicken's head and the pig's stomach dominate the dance

It is as stupid as a pig to keep quiet as a frog in the well and a bird and a beast

Pig husbandry slave play

fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs

One is very capable, while the other is extremely incompetent.

A pig is small and a dog dangerous

Herba Siegone

Love deposit sheep

Di touched the wall

Many sheep are lost

A hungry tiger pounced on a sheep

Call 饩 sheep

try to palm off sth. inferior to what it purports to be

tigers among a flock of sheep

Antelope horn

a lamb going astray at a fork in the road

Lead the sheep and carry the wine

Drive sheep and attack tigers

strip off one's upper garment and make an apology

like a wolf shepherding sheep -- to rule the people oppressively

Nine shepherds look after ten sheep -- too many government officials.

Make the sheep the Wolf


Plain silk lamb


Slaughterhouse cattle and sheep

better late than never

lose a sheep and get an ox -- the gain is greater than the loss

Ask a sheep to know a horse

meandering footpath

narrow meandering footpath

The sheep and the Wolf are greedy

after all

Sheep into tigers

outwardly strong

Trade sheep for cattle

Fight over the chicken and the hare

as nimble as an escaping hare when going into action

Turtle hair rabbit horn

The fox dies and the hare cries

fellow-feeling sympathy

The hare sets the eagle free

take instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while

a foxy person has more than one hideout

startled monkeys or hare -- flee in disorder

Quiet as a virgin, moving as a runaway rabbit

Both dogs and rabbits died

Guard like a virgin, escape like a hare

wait for windfalls

as fast as the hare runs and as swift as the wild duck starts flying

quick flow of writer's thoughts and imagination

in name but not in reality

trusted aids are eliminated when they finish their mission

feel sad for the loss of one's kind

Time flies.

The rabbit goes away

Idioms about animals

An idiom about \"fish\"

[Like a fish in water] (1) Originally called king and minister treatment, today more to describe friends or husband and wife emotional harmony. (2) Used to describe the environment, can be satisfied.

The disaster of the fish in the pond is a parable of suffering without cause.

【 Trouble 】 Get involved without cause.

【 Fish and water meet 】(1) Metaphorical couple and happiness. (2) A metaphor for the king and the minister.

【 The fish sinks and the geese are misty 】 The parable has no message.

【 Fish eyes mixed beads 】 Metaphor with fake goods.

Land of fish and rice refers to a fertile place near the water.

[Fish for villagers] local tyrants and evil gentry bully their own villagers.

\"Fish sinking geese\" metaphor for a beautiful woman.

File in. March in single file.

[Fish and geese round trip] refers to letters round trip.

【 Lu Youhai pig 】 refers to the characters because of the shape and writing errors.

To take advantage of a chaotic situation.

The criminal was not apprehended.

【 Fate wood to seek fish 】 Metaphor is vain, must not get.

[Abalone's premises] A bad environment or a place where small people gather.

[Linyuan Xianyu] metaphor empty self hope, but no actual action.

An idiom about \"bird\"

To kill two birds with one stone is to get two effects by doing one thing.

Bird to people describes a woman or child who is weak and weak, and is lovable.

\"Tired birds know to return\" describes a wandering child returning home after fatigue. Or metaphorical leave work for too long, tired of outside the form and return to their own post.

\"Tired birds return to the nest\" describes a wandering child returning home after fatigue. Or metaphorical leave work for too long, tired of outside the form and return to their own post.

A foolish person who often acts recklessly without thinking ahead. (2) or used to indicate that a foolish person should act before others so as not to be in a hurry.

The world is set, the hero was abandoned. It's the same as the rabbit and the dog. However, the meaning of \"the birds bow and hide\" is light.

Describe the scenery of spring.

A bird dies for food. A man dies for money.

\"Birds and beasts cannot be in the same group\" means that people must still live in a crowd society after all, and cannot live in seclusion.

When a bird is about to die, its song is also sad. When a person is about to die, he will find his conscience and speak out kind words.

\"Frightened bird\" is a metaphor for those who have suffered disasters and are afraid.

An idiom about \"crane\"

[Gone like a yellow crane] The figurative character disappeared.

【 Nervous 】 describe people are frightened and disturbed by themselves.

[Foeqin cooking Crane] refers to the behavior of killing scenery without understanding elegance.

[Idle cloud and wild crane] describes detachment from worldly worldly, aloof from worldly affairs, can be used in hermits, or retired people at home, carefree life.

[chicken skin and crane hair] coarse skin and white hair, describe the old man with white hair and wrinkles.

\"Stand out from the flock\" parable can be outstanding. Or used to describe people who are very tall.

Old age and good health.

【 Crane long short 】 describe different difficult to harmonize.

An idiom about \"goose, goose\"

To describe a woman's beauty.

A fish falling wild goose describes a woman's beauty.

\"Goose foot transmission book\" metaphor of mutual contact, constant message.

[Flying Wild geese out of order] Mourn the death of brothers.

[Flying geese break wings] lost brothers.

[Fish and geese round trip] refers to letters round trip.

【 Thousand li goose feather 】 Long distance to send gifts, gifts light love heavy.

An idiom about \"the rest of the birds\"

【 Hatoyama takes over the magpie nest 】 Metaphor to force others to own.

Ragged clothes and ragged ragged ragged ragged ragged clothes.

【 Wren 】(1) To persuade people to be less desire, today more said: \"Wren nest forest, but a\". (2) or metaphorical shelter, mostly used when asking people to look for work.

【 Luan flying Phoenix collection 】 Metaphor of the gathering of talents.

【 Rare horn 】 describes the world rare.

[Phoenix in flight] metaphor couple singing and phase music; It is often used as a wedding toast.

【 Kite flying fish leap 】 Metaphor to indulge in the joy of nature.

A noisy crowd quieted down.

【 Lofty ambition 】 Metaphor ambition, and \"the ambition of the clouds\" meaning the same.

Wish others a bright future, such as Peng Fei miles.

A word used to describe birdsong. Or the fluency of a woman's voice.

\"Yingying Yanyan\" metaphor of many girls.

[convalescence] metaphor couple love, and \"couple deep love\" the same.

The third party benefits from the tussle between the two.

About the \"twelve zodiac\" idiom

1. Idioms about \"rat\"

Hitting a mouse for fear of injuring an instrument is a metaphor for scruples in doing things.

The situation of fleeing in a panic.

[Wu mouse skill is poor] Metaphor skills are many, but can not be single-minded.

[Rat tooth sparrow horn] metaphor and people contend.

A liver worm arm is something very low and small.

The mole drinking the river is a metaphor for a small amount and not much to take. Or nothing.

【 Roebuck 】 Used to describe a person's appearance of evil, such as the head of roe, rat eyes. It is close to the meaning of \"sharp mouth monkey cheek\

2. Idioms about \"cow\"

[nine cows and one hair] metaphor value is very small and slight.

[Nine cows and two tigers] is a metaphor of great power.

To describe a talented person, a little talent.

The ancient brotherhood of blood.

[Cow clothes to cry] A metaphor for the plight of a poor couple.

Barren trees on a mountain without trees being cut down. (2) Transform its meaning to describe a person who is bald on the top of his head.

[horn hanging book] describes diligence to study. It has the same meaning as \"hanging beam and piercing stock\

(1) Describe a person whose face is ugly and scary. (2) A parable of those who act absurdly and ferociously.

(1) Describe a person whose face is ugly and scary. (2) A parable of those who act absurdly and ferociously.

[Cattle and horses] describes people running on the road, wind and dust, very tired.

牛溲马勃 a metaphor for an inferior person or thing.

【 Ox Ding cooking chicken 】 Metaphor of oversize.

Two things that don't go together at all are usually used to describe a person who doesn't answer the right question.

There are many simile books.

【 Clay ox into the sea 】 The metaphor is gone forever, without a trace.

[Scar Ding Xie Niu] Metaphor to understand things clear, things can be handy, use freely.

[Playing the piano to a cow] don't understand customs.

[Drill ox horn] metaphor stubborn thought, since trapped in despair.

[Newborn calf] The newborn calf is not afraid of anything to compare the new people in society, and they are not afraid of difficulties and evil forces.

The champ describes the love of parents for their children.

The son of Li Niu is a metaphor for an evil father and a good son.

The metaphor is irrelevant.

3. Idioms about \"tiger\"

[Nine cows and two tigers] is a metaphor of great power.

\"Three people into a tiger\" parable said many people, even if the rumor is wrong, will believe it.

[Alive and vigorous] Lively and brave posture.

The strong have to help and become stronger and more frightening.

When a sheep enters a tiger's mouth, death is inevitable.

Indulging the wicked, allowing him to return to his own sphere of influence or territory and endanger others again.

Use a bluff to frighten others.

【 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 】 There are many talents and outstanding figures.

[Tiger into the sheep] the bluff is very big, the other side has no resistance, you can do what you want.

Life in the jaws of a tiger is a life survived by great danger.

To look covetously on means to stare greedily and wait for the right time to strike.

[Anticlimactic] do things without finishing, no perseverance.

A dog for a dog is a dog for a dog.

To gobble up is to eat fast and quickly. It is rude and ugly.

[Potential into a tiger] After a person does something, want to stop too late, there is a dilemma.

【 Riding a tiger is difficult 】 I cannot stop acting under the pressure of the general situation.

Try to steal the skin of a tiger.

【 Fierce Tiger Feng River 】 Unarmed to fight the tiger and not by boat to cross the river, a metaphor for the courage of the brave man.

The original meaning is that you must experience to have real knowledge; After the extension is afraid of something, talking about it, panic color.

A trick used to cheat people out of their base areas in order to achieve some purpose.

To indulge the enemy or evil person, and bring trouble to oneself.

[Hungry tiger rushing sheep] I am very greedy.

[Dragon Singing Tiger Xiao] refers to the roar of the dragon and tiger, describing the roar of the person is very loud and loud.

\"Enter the Dragon\" refers to a fight between two powerful people.

【 Dragon pool and tiger's den 】 The place of danger.

A place where the situation is magnificent and dangerous.

Let go of the wicked and make them harm society again.

4. Idioms about \"rabbit\"

\"The Jade Rabbit ascends to the east\" means that the time has fallen into the night.

[Waiting for a rabbit] indicates stubborn prejudice is not flexible.

【 Rabbit hair uncle 】 Song Yuan generally called the old man.

When things are done, they are used, and when they are done, they are destroyed.

\"Rabbit dying fox sorrow\" metaphor similar death defeat, oneself also sad up.

[Rabbit walk Wu Fei] Metaphor sun and moon running, time passes fast.

(1) Describe quick movement. (2) Metaphor calligraphy vigorous.

5. Idioms about \"dragon\"

[Alive and vigorous] Lively and brave posture.

The traffic is busy and lively.

Describe the whole process of the matter.

【 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 】 There are many talents and outstanding figures.

A description of a painting, sculpture or text that is extremely realistic.

A good son-in-law describes a good and satisfactory son-in-law.

I hope my son will become a great man in the future.

[Dragon point eyes] Yu painting in important places to add a stroke to deepen the work.

【 Dragon in water 】 Similarmen are appreciated and reused.

The masses are leaderless.

Ye Gonghaolong is a metaphor for liking something on the surface, but not really liking it; By extension, it is flashy and untrue.

【 Dragon born nine sons 】 According to ancient legend, the nine dragons born by the dragon are different in appearance and temperament. Each man has his own good, not all the same.

[Dragon Singing Tiger Xiao] refers to the roar of the dragon and tiger, describing the roar of the person is very loud and loud.

\"Enter the Dragon\" refers to a fight between two powerful people.

[Dragon liver and phoenix marrow] A metaphor for beautiful dishes.

【 Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance 】 describes the momentum of bold and majestic.

【 Dragon horse spirit 】 describes the spirit is strong and full.

[Dragon snake mixed place] All kinds of good and bad different people, mixed together.

The sign of prosperity and auspiciousness is mostly used on marriage certificates or wedding invitations.

【 Dragon pool and tiger's den 】 The place of danger.

A place where the situation is magnificent and dangerous.

[Dragon Walk Tiger Step] refers to dignified, not ordinary people, mostly used to describe the emperor.

【 Longchamp and tiger's step 】 A metaphor for the mighty spirit.

The scale is vast and ambitious.

【 Climbing the dragon and Phoenixing 】 to curry favor, take refuge in the powerful people to climb the camp.

【 Dragon swim shallow water by shrimp play, tiger fall Pingyang by dog deception 】 Metaphor hero end, or useless place.

6. Idioms about \"snake\"

[Alarm the grass] metaphor to do things are not secret, so that the other party has to be on guard.

[Cup bow snake shadow] Too much suspicion will be unreal things as true.

[Anticlimactic] do things without finishing, no perseverance.

[A snake without a head cannot do it] means that the mob and the evil thief cannot move without a leader.

A metaphor makes nothing out of nothing.

【 Fake 】 reluctant social intercourse.

[Dragon snake mixed place] All kinds of good and bad different people, mixed together.

7. Idioms about \"horse\" :

When fighting or doing things, go ahead of others bravely without fear of difficulties.

[Thousands of troops] to describe a large number of soldiers, strong.

【 Unconstrained 】 I am a prodigal thinker.

The mind is floating.

【 Dogs and horses 】 Humble that his meager service is as trivial as dogs and horses.

[Meritorious service] for the battle of the credit.

An old horse knows the way.

War and chaos describes the serious destruction and disorder of order caused by war.

To speed up a horse.

Tang Si: Empty market. If the way you seek is not right, you will find nothing.

[Take office] to be added later.

[Zoma Pingchuan] to be added later.

A brief look at the affairs of the outside image, no time to investigate its inside information.

The traffic is busy and lively.

Recruiting soldiers and buying horses; It means gathering force and planning a war.

[Jingge Tiema] means that the army is well equipped and the fighting force is very strong; Or a metaphor for war.

Childhood sweetheart refers to a partner who played in childhood.

Neither donkey nor horse describes something that is neither like nor like.

To misrepresent the truth and distort right and wrong.

A black sheep is a person who harms everyone.

Sharpen your weapons, feed your horses, and prepare for battle. It also refers to active preparation in advance.

Sharpen your weapons, feed your horses, and prepare for battle. It also refers to active preparation in advance.

No rest, no stopping.

Mal Dongfeng describes a person who is indifferent to what others say and forgets after hearing it.

Used to congratulate someone on success quickly and easily.

Mageri corpse describes a soldier who died heroically on the battlefield.

To act in full obedience to the leadership.

[The horse's teeth are long in vain] only Yu is only age increased in vain, but there is no great action.

Go it alone, relying on no one else.

Small, subtle signs from which the truth can be deduced.

A blessing in disguise. (2) To describe the impermanence of good and bad, can not be reached a conclusion.

[Ten Thousand Horses galloping] to be added later.

A word spoken is past recalling. Used as a warning to watch one's words and keep one's word.

【 Dragon horse spirit 】 describes the spirit is strong and full.

Life is very rotten.

[Pull back from the cliff] When you are on the edge of danger, wake up and turn back in time.

The metaphor reveals the truth.

[female Li Yellow] this means that the horse does not pay attention to its appearance image, and further means that the difference in appearance is not enough to care about, and it should pay attention to its internal essence.

8. Idioms about \"sheep\" :

It's too late to mend.

Scapegoating means taking responsibility for the SINS of others.

When a sheep enters a tiger's mouth, death is inevitable.

A narrow and winding path in the mountains.

\"Sheep and tiger skin\" is a metaphor for being strong and powerful on the outside, but weak on the inside.

Di is a historian who finds himself in a difficult position.

[Wool comes out of the sheep] Wool is the strength of the sheep, which is a metaphor for profit, but in fact it comes out of its own owner.

[lost sheep on the road] the same as the end of the difference, the scholar is easy to get lost.

[Tiger into the sheep] the bluff is very big, the other side has no resistance, you can do what you want.

It is said that when the antelope sleeps at night, the horn is hung on the tree, the feet are not on the ground, so as not to leave footprints and be killed by people. Therefore, the artistic conception of figurative poetry is detached from traces.

Shoplifting refers to the act of stealing.

A hungry tiger flapping sheep is a metaphor for greed.

9. Idioms about \"monkey\" :

Punish one person severely to make an example of others.

10. Idioms about \"chicken\" :

Please refer to the \"local chicken tile dog\" clay kneaded chicken, tile dog. A parable is a vain thing.

牝鸡司晨 a metaphor for the power of a woman.

To be frozen with fear is to look like a person who is frozen with fear.

Stealing a chicken and touching a dog is a metaphor for doing a casual job.

Stealing chicken without erosion of rice is a metaphor for speculators who do not plan to do things, but suffer losses.

\"Killing the goose that lays the golden egg\" (1) refers to the ruler's excessive taxation, even cutting off the production of the people, but also ignore. (2) Describe greedy too much, do not know how to meet, want to gain, can not tolerate small profits, but then cut off the foundation of profit.

Punish one person severely to make an example of others.

To deal with small things, do not need to use strong long wood.

\"Marry chicken with chicken\" metaphor woman married husband, happy-go-lucky.

\"Better than the chicken head\" metaphor is better than the first of the small, not at the end of the big.

\"Dancing after hearing a chicken\" refers to the spirit of those with great aspirations, who can always be vigilant and timely and vigorous.

[Strength of a chicken] metaphor of a person weak and weak.

A trivial matter is a trivial matter.

[No chickens or dogs left] Kill them all and leave no survivors.

【 Chicken and dog are restless 】 Metaphor harassment is very serious.

When a man becomes a high official, those who are related to him also gain power.

Goosebumps A protrusion of the skin caused by cold, usually indicating nausea in speech.

[chicken skin and crane hair] coarse skin and white hair, describe the old man with white hair and wrinkles.

The chicken flies and the dog jumps.

Bits and pieces. Bits and pieces.

\"The thief\" refers to a person who has no great talent and only knows how to follow the way.

\"Stand out from the flock\" parable can be outstanding. Or used to describe people who are very tall.

11. Idioms about \"dog\" :

【 White clouds and wild dogs 】 The world is changing.

When things are done, they are used, and when they are done, they are destroyed.

The forces that rely on the strong bully the weak.

[Dog blood on the head] Old customs say that with dog blood pouring, can make the demon show its true shape. After more embarrassing people.

The dog's tail continued the sable.

The metaphor of impossible things is usually used as an excuse to refuse others, with the same meaning as \"black hair, horse horns\".

A dog's head is a small man who loves to sacrifice small sums.

A dog who wants to make a profit is a small person who goes about his business without any means.

A dog's eyes are usually used to criticize a person for casually looking down on others. Similar to \"look through the door\" and \"have no eyes.\"

[Dog mouth does not speak ivory] Used to mock others for not clean mouth or lack of self-cultivation, nonsense, can not say good and good words.

\"The dog bites Lu Dongbin, does not know the heart of a good man\" is usually used in \"good intentions do not return\" said angry words.

A metaphor for a vicious and cruel person like a beast, or an unreasonable and ungrateful person.

Stealing a chicken and touching a dog is a metaphor for doing a casual job.

\"Marry a dog with a dog\" is a metaphor for a woman to marry a husband, and make peace with it.

Pigs and dogs are inferior.

Chicken flying dog jumping to describe a disorderly situation.

Bits and pieces. Bits and pieces.

A petty skill.

A friend is a friend who hurts a friend.

【 Local chicken tile dog 】 Clay chicken, tile dog. A parable is a vain thing.

(1) Describe the shape of the junction of two things, uneven, and into each other. (2) The dogtooth system is used to describe two or more forces that keep each other in check.

The quality of dogs and sheep is a metaphor for the weak and incompetent temperament.

[Heart of dog and horse] subordinates use humility to call the heart of loyalty to Changshang.

【 Life of a dog and horse 】 Humble one's life.

The disease of the dog and the horse.

【 Dogs and horses 】 Humble that his meager service is as trivial as dogs and horses.

The teeth of a dog and a horse.

The dog of a lost family runs away in utter disarray.

[Shu Dog barking Day] I see many strange things.

Life is very rotten.

[No chickens or dogs left] Kill them all and leave no survivors.

【 Chicken and dog are restless 】 Metaphor harassment is very serious.

When a man becomes a high official, those who are related to him also gain power.

12. Idioms about \"pig\" :

Pigs and dogs are inferior.

[Hog Tuei Yong] is a metaphor for sharp and brave conflict.

A friend is a friend who hurts a friend.

\"Dolphin hoof Jotian\" metaphor to small sacrifice and hope to get a big reward.

The pig Wolf run is a metaphor for the scene of rapid running. It is usually used to describe the situation when two armies are fighting and the defeated army is on the run.

A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life. A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life.

The collusion, the silence of the flowers of the flowers of the flowers of the birds, the frightened birds, the birds of the bow, the birds fly, the birds scatter, love me, love me,

South harrier north eagle, dove in the magpie nest, magpie laugh dove dance, mourning, grass and warblers,

The bird flies apart, the bird flies, the bird flies, the bird does not dare to fly,

Gone like a yellow crane, a crane standing among chickens, a crane not dancing, a crane burning a piano,

Don't crane solitary wild, nervous, crane hair chicken skin, crane hair young face,

For the flock of birds, the rabbit goes away, the chicken worm gains and losses, the chicken flies,

Chicken flying dog jumping, chicken mouth, cattle after the cow, the dog stealing,

The chickens and dogs are not alarmed, the chickens and dogs are restless, the chickens and dogs rise to the sky, the chickens and dogs are broken,

Huainan chicken dog, such as wooden chicken, chicken fighting dogs, stealing dogs,

Pointing fingers and scolding dogs, killing chickens to lay eggs, killing chickens to frighten monkeys, prairie chickens dancing mirror,

牝鸡司晨, taste like chicken ribs, smell the chicken dance, marry chicken with chicken,

Sparrow digging mouse, house sparrow, pearl bullet sparrow, swarm sparrow,

Cover your eyes and catch the finches in silence, the birds are in the house, the swallows are on the curtain,

A swallow's chin, a tiger's neck, a rabbit's walking, a phoenix in the fire, a Hatoyama's ambition,

Flying Fengbo, Luan Xiangfeng set, Luan Xiangfengzhu, rare horn,

Weak birds fly early, shabby clothes, both small and simple,

Geese walking, eagles running dogs, phoenix singing in the morning sun, ghosts jumping,

The broken crane, the lone cloud, the wild crane, the Taishan Hongmao, the parrot,

The mob, the birds, the snow and the claws, the two birds,

Jingwei reclamation, shaking goose hair fan, dressed as animals, dressed as ducks 獍,

With pearls, songs and dances, a bright future, a huge gap,

Lighter than a feather, a poor bird in one's heart, a chicken and a dog without a dog,

The dog is desperate, the dog is greedy, the dog is a mink, the dog is bold, the dog is vicious, the dog sees the man low, the dog is desperate the chicken flies the dog jumps the dog is desperate the dog takes the mouse

A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life. A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life.

The collusion, the silence of the flowers of the flowers of the flowers of the birds, the frightened birds, the birds of the bow, the birds fly, the birds scatter, love me, love me,

South harrier north eagle, dove in the magpie nest, magpie laugh dove dance, mourning, grass and warblers,

The bird flies apart, the bird flies, the bird flies, the bird does not dare to fly,

Gone like a yellow crane, a crane standing among chickens, a crane not dancing, a crane burning a piano,

Don't crane solitary wild, nervous, crane hair chicken skin, crane hair young face,

For the flock of birds, the rabbit goes away, the chicken worm gains and losses, the chicken flies,

Chicken flying dog jumping, chicken mouth, cattle after the cow, the dog stealing,

The chickens and dogs are not alarmed, the chickens and dogs are restless, the chickens and dogs rise to the sky, the chickens and dogs are broken,

Huainan chicken dog, such as wooden chicken, chicken fighting dogs, stealing dogs,

Pointing fingers and scolding dogs, killing chickens to lay eggs, killing chickens to frighten monkeys, prairie chickens dancing mirror,

牝鸡司晨, taste like chicken ribs, smell the chicken dance, marry chicken with chicken,

Sparrow digging mouse, house sparrow, pearl bullet sparrow, swarm sparrow,

Cover your eyes and catch the finches in silence, the birds are in the house, the swallows are on the curtain,

A swallow's chin, a tiger's neck, a rabbit's walking, a phoenix in the fire, a Hatoyama's ambition,

Flying Fengbo, Luan Xiangfeng set, Luan Xiangfengzhu, rare horn,

Weak birds fly early, shabby clothes, both small and simple,

Geese walking, eagles running dogs, phoenix singing in the morning sun, ghosts jumping,

The broken crane, the lone cloud, the wild crane, the Taishan Hongmao, the parrot,

The mob, the birds, the snow and the claws, the two birds,

Jingwei reclamation, shaking goose hair fan, dressed as animals, dressed as ducks 獍,

With pearls, songs and dances, a bright future, a huge gap,

Lighter than a feather, a poor bird in one's heart, a chicken and a dog without a dog,

The dog is desperate, the dog is greedy, the dog is a mink, the dog is bold, the dog is vicious, the dog sees the man low, the dog is desperate the chicken flies the dog jumps the dog is desperate the dog takes the mouse

A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life. A rabbit's death is sad for the rest of his life.

The collusion, the silence of the flowers of the flowers of the flowers of the birds, the frightened birds, the birds of the bow, the birds fly, the birds scatter, love me, love me,

South harrier north eagle, dove in the magpie nest, magpie laugh dove dance, mourning, grass and warblers,

The bird flies apart, the bird flies, the bird flies, the bird does not dare to fly,

Gone like a yellow crane, a crane standing among chickens, a crane not dancing, a crane burning a piano,

Don't crane solitary wild, nervous, crane hair chicken skin, crane hair young face,

For the flock of birds, the rabbit goes away, the chicken worm gains and losses, the chicken flies,

Chicken flying dog jumping, chicken mouth, cattle after the cow, the dog stealing,

The chickens and dogs are not alarmed, the chickens and dogs are restless, the chickens and dogs rise to the sky, the chickens and dogs are broken,

Huainan chicken dog, such as wooden chicken, chicken fighting dogs, stealing dogs,

Pointing fingers and scolding dogs, killing chickens to lay eggs, killing chickens to frighten monkeys, prairie chickens dancing mirror,

牝鸡司晨, taste like chicken ribs, smell the chicken dance, marry chicken with chicken,

Sparrow digging mouse, house sparrow, pearl bullet sparrow, swarm sparrow,

Cover your eyes and catch the finches in silence, the birds are in the house, the swallows are on the curtain,

A swallow's chin, a tiger's neck, a rabbit's walking, a phoenix in the fire, a Hatoyama's ambition,

Flying Fengbo, Luan Xiangfeng set, Luan Xiangfengzhu, rare horn,

Weak birds fly early, shabby clothes, both small and simple,

Geese walking, eagles running dogs, phoenix singing in the morning sun, ghosts jumping,

The broken crane, the lone cloud, the wild crane, the Taishan Hongmao, the parrot,

The mob, the birds, the snow and the claws, the two birds,

Jingwei reclamation, shaking goose hair fan, dressed as animals, dressed as ducks 獍,

With pearls, songs and dances, a bright future, a huge gap,

Lighter than a feather, a poor bird in one's heart, a chicken and a dog without a dog,

The dog is desperate, the dog is greedy, the dog is a mink, the dog is bold, the dog is vicious, the dog sees the man low, the dog is desperate the chicken flies the dog jumps the dog is desperate the dog takes the mouse

Antelopes are a general name for a class of even-toed ungulates. There are a total of 86 species of antelopes, which belong to 11 families and 32 genera. For taxonomic purposes, antelopes do not refer to a particular family or genus. Antelopes are characterized by hollow and strong horns, which are different from ruminants such as cows and sheep.

Idiom " Antelope hanging horn " The meaning is:

Antelopes sleep at night, hanging their horns in trees, their feet on the ground, to avoid evil. The artistic conception of the old figurative poems is detached.