无损拆无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-12 4:17 31
oneWhen the tank depression area is large, the frost heaving method can be used to repair: the gasoline in the tank is cleared and the tank is removed from the frame. Rinse the ins...

Is the tank recessed in a non-destructive treatment method?


When the tank depression area is large, the frost heaving method can be used to repair: the gasoline in the tank is cleared and the tank is removed from the frame. Rinse the inside and outside of the tank with water, turn off the tank switch, fill the tank with clean water, and tighten the lid. Then put the tank filled with water into the freezer (cold storage, cold storage plant and the place where Popsicle and sorbet are made) for freezing, and pay attention to make the sunken place slightly exposed to the frozen liquid level. The freezing time can be long or short, and the depression can be restored to its original state after two or three hours. After the oil tank is restored to its original state, the oil tank is removed from the freezer pool and flushed with water until all the ice in the oil tank is dissolved. Finally, the water in the box is drained. If the paint is removed in the sunken recovery area, the paint can be painted according to the primary color of the oil tank.


The tank depression area is small, can be repaired by stretching method: that is, put the gasoline in the tank, remove the tank from the frame, and then find a suitable thickness of the iron bar, solder the end of the iron bar in the tank depression, and then clamp the other end of the iron bar on the tiger, hold the tank with both hands and pull outward forcefully, repeatedly, the depression can be restored to its original state. Then use a soldering iron to iron off, wipe the recovery of the depression, and finally paint the recovery of the depression according to the color of the fuel tank, the paint can be loaded after dry.

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1 can be treated by non-destructive repair
2 If the tank is concave, but there is no damage, it can be treated by non-destructive repair methods, such as baking paint, suction cups, etc. The specific method needs to be selected according to the location and size of the depression.
3 It should be noted that if the depression is too severe to be treated by non-destructive repair, the tank needs to be replaced. In addition, when dealing with the depression, we must find a professional repair shop for processing to avoid greater losses.

1 Can take non-destructive treatment methods to repair the tank sag problem.
2 Non-destructive treatment methods include the use of vacuum sucker, hot melt glue, suction ball and other tools to restore the dented part to the original state, without causing secondary damage to the tank.
3 If the tank sag is more serious, it is recommended to find a professional garage for repair to ensure the quality and safety of repair.
At the same time, we should also pay attention to avoid the recurrence of similar situations, such as parking to pay attention to the surrounding environment to avoid collision.

If the tank is only concave, and does not cause damage to the tank, oil leakage, etc., it can generally be handled by means of non-destructive repair. Non-destructive repair methods usually include suction cup stretching, hot and cold shrinkage, blowing machine hot air, filling and other technologies. Among them, suction cup stretching and hot and cold shrinkage are more common ways.

Suction cup stretching requires the use of professional suction cup tools, by creating a vacuum to adsorb the tank surface, and then by pulling the tank back to its original shape.

Cold and heat shrinkage is the use of temperature change principle, the use of hot and cold water alternately soak the tank, so that the tank naturally rebound and restore the original shape. But either way, you need to find a professional auto repair shop for processing.

2 If the tank is severely dented, damage treatment is required, such as replacing the entire tank or welding repair.
3 However, if the depression is relatively minor, it can be considered to use suction cups or hot water soaking methods for non-destructive treatment.
When using a suction cup, heat the depression with a hot air gun, and then suck out the depression with a suction cup; When using hot water soak, put the tank in hot water soak for a period of time, and then gently pat the depression with your hand to restore it to its original state.
Non-destructive treatment methods require attention to operation skills and safety precautions.

If the tank sag is not very severe, there are several possible ways:

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1. Use a suction cup to suck the tank out of the depressed part. This requires the use of a suction cup with strong adsorption capacity, and it needs to be forcefully fastened on the depressed area, and then slowly pull with hands or tools.

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2. Use hot water or a hot air blow gun to heat the depression, then gently push it back into its original position. This method requires great care, because the material of the tank is usually relatively fragile, and if the temperature is too high or the operation is too rough, the tank may be damaged.

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3. If the concave position is in the relatively flat part of the tank, you can use a rubber hammer to gently knock, fix a wooden board next to the concave part, use the wooden board to protect the surface of the tank from damage, after several knocks, the tank can slowly return to its original state.

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If the depression is severe or in a more complex location, the above method may not solve the problem, or it may cause damage to the tank. At this time, it is best to choose to find a professional auto repair shop and seek professional help. They can repair the tank using more advanced repair techniques such as disassembly, cutting and welding.

1. Non-destructive processing methods exist.
2. According to the principle of material mechanics, a suction cup or a combination of suction cups and hot water can be used to restore the recessed oil tank.
3. If the dent is too deep or the tank material is too fragile, it may be necessary to apply a partial paint or replace the entire tank.

1 There are non-destructive treatment methods
2 You can use suction cups, hair dryers, hot water and other methods to treat the depression, these methods will not cause any harm to the tank, but require a certain amount of skill and experience.
3 If the depression is more serious, it is recommended to go to a professional auto repair shop, they will use professional tools and technology to repair the tank, to ensure the quality and effect of the treatment.