宝马无线充airpodsichaiyang 2024-05-12 3:29 38
First of all, we open the Settings of the phone, enter the auxiliary function interface and click [Airpods].Then we click and select [Audio Accessibility Settings].Then click to en...

How to adjust the volume after Bluetooth headset is connected?

First of all, we open the Settings of the phone, enter the auxiliary function interface and click [Airpods].

Then we click and select [Audio Accessibility Settings].

Then click to enter [Headset adjustment].

Then click on \"Headset Adjustment\".

Then click Set to Light to solve the problem of too much volume.

Connect the headset first, and after the connection is successful, you can control the volume of the headset with your phone.

Adjust the volume button of the phone to control the volume of the headset.

Or open your phone's Settings options.

Then click to turn on Sound and Vibration.