无线充的标识ichaiyang 2024-05-12 3:09 23
This means that the location function of the phone is turned on. When the positioning function is enabled on the phone, this small arrow will appear when there is software in the p...

What is the white arrow displayed next to the battery when the iPhone is charging?

This means that the location function of the phone is turned on. When the positioning function is enabled on the phone, this small arrow will appear when there is software in the phone that needs to use the positioning function. When the positioning function is turned off, this small arrow will disappear. The arrow next to the battery of the Apple phone should be a mobile phone location service sign, which will be available when the user turns on cellular or wifi, and sometimes Bluetooth, as long as the phone is turned off, it will not be available. The closing method is as follows:

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1. Open \"Settings\" in the phone;  

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2, find the \"privacy\" in the phone;  

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3. Turn off location services in \"Privacy\".

Is it a white arrow or a white lightning bolt?

Is your current system 8.1?

After the iPhone update to 8.1, a small white lightning flash will be displayed next to the battery when charging, which is a reminder that the phone is connected to the power supply and charged. This was not available in previous system releases