The answer to this question depends on the battery capacity of the children's watch and the power consumption of the watch. If the battery capacity of the children's watch is 10,00...

How many times can a children's watch be charged with 10,000 mah charging bank?

The answer to this question depends on the battery capacity of the children's watch and the power consumption of the watch. If the battery capacity of the children's watch is 10,000 mAh, then how many times it can charge the watch depends on the battery capacity and power consumption of the watch.

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Assuming that the battery capacity of the watch is 300 mAh, a 10,000mah charging bank can charge the watch about 33 times (10,000 ÷ 300 ≈ 33.3). However, the actual situation may be different, as the watch's power consumption is affected by factors such as frequency of use, functions and Settings.

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In addition, it should be noted that the actual output current of the charging bank and the charging speed of the watch will also affect the number of charging times. If the output current of the charging bank is low, the charging speed will be slow, thus affecting the number of charging times. Therefore, when buying a children's watch with a power bank, it is necessary to pay attention to factors such as battery capacity, charging speed and power consumption in order to better estimate the number of charges.

Can be charged 4 times.

According to actual use, the charging efficiency is about 90%, and the battery capacity can only be used 90%, plus the placement time will lose some power. It is calculated that the actual charge to the battery of the mobile phone is 80% of the charging bank, and it can be charged up to 4 times.

Generally, the total conversion rate of mobile phone charging is between 0.6 and 0.7, which is the case of shutdown charging, and the total conversion rate of standby charging is about 0.05 lower. A charging bank with a capacity of 10000 mah charges a mobile phone with a capacity of 2500 mah, which is about: 10000x0.65\/2500=2.6 times.