canAgreed. Although the charging treasure contains magnetism, the impact is very small. The power bank has a small transformer coil and an iron core, so there must be iron parts. M...

Can I put the watch in with the power bank?


Agreed. Although the charging treasure contains magnetism, the impact is very small. The power bank has a small transformer coil and an iron core, so there must be iron parts. Magnets have an effect on electromagnetic devices. However, because the core of the charging treasure is closed, the field strength of the magnet is not large enough, so the impact is not large.

Mechanical watches are best not put together with mobile phones.

Because there are magnets inside the mobile phone, the watch is susceptible to magnetization by magnets, which causes the running speed to slow down, causing the watch time to slow down.

This should be no matter, the charging treasure will not affect the normal use of the watch.

Yes, there is no effect!

The watch can be put together with the power bank, because the power bank has no magnetic field