The titanium magnesium alloy door of the bathroom is not magnetic conductive, and can not be sucked with a magnetic door, but now there is a latex door with a suction cup on the ma...

Toilet titanium magnesium alloy door how to install door suction?

The titanium magnesium alloy door of the bathroom is not magnetic conductive, and can not be sucked with a magnetic door, but now there is a latex door with a suction cup on the market, which can be bought in a physical store or purchased online from the online store.

There is a double-sided suction cup door sold online, one side is sucked on the bathroom tile, one side is sucked on the titanium magnesium alloy door, when the door is closed, no matter which side is broken off, it does not affect the next time.

Titanium magnesium alloy door can be installed with rubber door suction, this door suction, suction cup type of what material can be sucked, not magnets, to the decoration shop can be bought