Dual engine flash charging technology is a mobile phone fast charging technology, which is developed by vivo under the premise of compatible with the international mainstream fast...

18w twin engine flash charge and 18w fast charge difference?

Dual engine flash charging technology is a mobile phone fast charging technology, which is developed by vivo under the premise of compatible with the international mainstream fast charging protocol.

The dual-engine flash charging technology uses the dual-charging chip parallel charging method, which is 2 times faster than the ordinary charging technology, and has nine safety protection technology. Media experiment data show that under the dual-engine flash charging technology, the phone's power is from 0% to 19% after 10 minutes of charging, and 60% of the power is completed within 35 minutes. Dual engine flash charge vivo's fast charging technology, in the release of vivo x6 mobile phone is newly proposed, similar to OPPO's VOOC flash charge technology (charge 5 minutes talk 2 hours mobile phone fast charging technology)

1. Technical principles

Dual-engine flash charging technology adopts dual charging chips in parallel charging. In the process of fast charging, two charging chips work at the same time. Through the dual-chip architecture, the charging efficiency of each IC can be effectively improved, so that the charging chip can safely and efficiently continue to convert energy to the battery, and the efficiency of each charging chip is improved, and the overall temperature rise of the mobile phone is also better. Flash charge for both engines

2. Safety flash charge

Dual engine flash charging technology has nine safety protection in addition to fast charging, including input overvoltage protection, input anti-reverse protection, data line overvoltage protection, input overcurrent protection, input overvoltage protection, temperature protection, reset protection, battery protection, high temperature protection, to ensure the safety of the user in the charging process, making the charging process more secure.

3. Market prospects

At present, there are four kinds of fast charging technology for mobile phones:

1, OPPO's VOOC flash charging mobile phone fast charging technology

2. Qualcomm Quick Charge 2.0 mobile phone fast charging technology

3. Mediatek Pump Express Plus mobile phone fast charging technology

4, Samsung Fast Charging mobile phone fast charging technology

It is worth pointing out that fast charging has no effect on the life of mobile phone batteries, because current batteries can withstand high currents.

1, flash charge is to improve the charging current, fast charge is to improve the charging voltage, but the essence of both are to improve the charging power, the two charging methods are not different in speed. Flash charge is low voltage fast charge, fast charge is high voltage fast charge.

2, fast charge and flash charge are the technology to speed up the charging speed of the battery, but the technical principle is slightly different. Fast charging is nothing more than increasing the power of charging. In the case of a certain battery capacity, increasing the power can reduce the charging time, the greater the power, the shorter the charging time. The flash charging temperature is low, and the fast charging temperature is high.

3, the charging speed is not the same, flash charging is faster. The most important difference is that the safety factor of flash charging is higher than that of fast charging.

Now fast charging is basically divided into two categories:

1, low voltage fast charge: represents OPPPO VOOC flash charge.

2, high voltage fast charge: are Qualcomm's universal free program, on behalf of MOTO turbo fast charge, Vivo dual engine flash charge, the basic Qualcomm chip also supports fast charge.

Low voltage and high current mode: in the case of a certain voltage, increase the current, you can use the parallel circuit to shunt, under constant voltage, the smaller the pressure shared by each circuit after the parallel shunt, and the same processing in the mobile phone, the smaller the pressure endured by each circuit.

High voltage constant current mode: The charging process of the general mobile phone is to first reduce the 220V voltage to 5V charger voltage, 5V charger voltage and then to 4.2V battery voltage. During the whole charging process, if the voltage is increased, heat energy is generated, so when charging, the charger will heat up, and the phone will heat up. And the greater the power consumption, the greater the damage to the battery.

VOOC flash charging technology belongs to low voltage and high current fast charging, and other fast charging belongs to high voltage and low current fast charging. High voltage charging, mobile phone temperature is relatively high, relatively speaking, VOOC flash charging security is very high.