Near-field communication (NFC , also known as Near field communication or NFC, is a set of communication protocols that allow two electronic devices (one of which is usually a mobi...

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Near-field communication (NFC), also known as Near field communication or NFC, is a set of communication protocols that allow two electronic devices (one of which is usually a mobile device, such as a smartphone) to communicate within a few centimeters of each other.

The \"near field\" in the Chinese name of NFC refers to radio waves near the electromagnetic field. Because radio waves are actually electromagnetic waves, it follows Maxwell's equation, electric and magnetic fields in the process of transmission from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna will be alternating energy conversion, and in the conversion of each other, such as our mobile phone used by the radio signal is propagated by this principle, this method is called far-field communication.

Within 10 wavelengths of electromagnetic waves, the electric field and the magnetic field are independent of each other, and the electric field does not make much sense at this time, but the magnetic field can be used for short-range communication, which we call near-field communication

NFC, like the electronic coupon smart cards of the past, will allow mobile payments to replace or support such systems. NFC is used in social networks to share contact information, photos, videos or files. Nfc-enabled devices can act as electronic ID cards and key cards. NFC provides a low-speed connection that is easy to set up and can also be used to boot more powerful wireless connections