It will not affect, the magnetic patch mainly affects the mobile phone signal rather than wireless charging. Here's why:In theory, the magnetic patch inside the use of super...

Mobile phone magnetic patch affect wireless charging?

  It will not affect, the magnetic patch mainly affects the mobile phone signal rather than wireless charging. Here's why:

In theory, the magnetic patch inside the use of super-strong adsorption rubidium magnets, 4 rubidium magnets are arranged in accordance with the positive and negative electrodes, forming an independent and stable closed magnetic field, magnetic force will not leak, will not cross with the magnetic field of the mobile phone, so as to ensure that the signal is smooth, not to affect wireless charging, this technology has been quite mature, So many brands of magnetic patches on the market can meet this demand.

have little influence on

Magnets do affect the mobile phone, but must be very strong magnetic will have an impact on some of the functions of the mobile phone, in fact, the mobile phone itself has magnets, to achieve some functions, such as wireless charging, will be affected by strong magnets, in addition to the mobile phone internal sensors, such as digital compass, will also be affected by magnets display errors.

For small magnetic magnets (such as the small magnetic block on the mobile phone case, magnetic mobile phone holder, etc.) generally does not affect the function of the mobile phone.