First of all, online recharge mobile phone fee slow charge relatively fast charge will be a little cheaper, such as recharge slow charge want to recharge 50 yuan, actually only pay...

What is the difference between slow charge and fast charge and how to charge?

First of all, online recharge mobile phone fee slow charge relatively fast charge will be a little cheaper, such as recharge slow charge want to recharge 50 yuan, actually only pay 49.9 yuan, and fast charge is the normal charge, such as recharge 50 yuan then pay is needed to pay 50 yuan; Secondly, the slow charge of the online recharge mobile phone fee will delay the account, and the fast charge is that the successful recharge will arrive at the account.

Fast charge generally within 1 hour to the account, slow charge generally within 48 hours to the account, but the speed is fast and slow, slow charge is generally cheaper 1-2 yuan, the specific price is different for each store, to search for yourself