南桥芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-12 1:35 37
1, What is the role of the North bridge chip and the South bridge chip on the motherboard? 2. Northbridge and Southbridge 3, Chipset: heart of the motherboard 4, What is the No...

Southbridge chip (where is the Southbridge chip on the motherboard?)

What is the role of the North bridge chip and the South bridge chip on the motherboard?

1, the North bridge chip is responsible for the contact with the CPU and controls the transmission of memory, AGP, PCI data in the North Bridge, providing the type and main frequency of the CPU, the front-end bus frequency of the system, the type and maximum capacity of the memory, ISA (this has long been eliminated) /PCI/AGP/PCIE slot, ECC error correction support.

2, the North bridge chip is responsible for CProvides support for CPU type and main frequency, front-end bus frequency of the system, memory type and maximum capacity, AGP slot, ECC error correction, and so on. The integrated chipset's Northbridge chip also integrates the display core.

2, the North bridge chip is responsible for the contact with the CPU and controls the transmission of memory, AGP, PCI data in the North Bridge, providing the type and main frequency of the CPU, the front-end bus frequency of the system, the type and maximum capacity of the memory, ISA (this has long been eliminated) /PCI/AGP/PCIE slot, ECC error correction support.

3. The Northbridge chip isClose to the CPU part of the relatively large chip, generally covered with heat sink, its main function is responsible for CPU and memory, graphics card and other equipment control, connection, processing and other functions is a motherboard of the most critical chip, the general motherboard is named after its use of the north bridge chip model.

Chipset: heart of the motherboard

1, the chipset is the core component of the motherboard, it is not only the communication bridge between the CPU and peripheral devices, but also the key to determining the performance of the computer. This article uses the Intel 440BX as an example to reveal the chipsetThe veil of mystery.

2, the motherboard chipset, this seemingly insignificant part, is actually the "heart" and "brain" of the computer. It is responsible for coordinating and managing the communication and data transmission of various hardware components and external devices on the motherboard to ensure the smooth operation of the computer system.

3, if the central processor CPU is likened to the heart of the entire computer system, then the chipset on the motherboard is the torso of the entire body. For the motherboard, the chipset almost determines the function of the motherboard, which affects the performance of the entire computer system, and the chipset is the soul of the motherboard.

4, the chipset is the core component of the motherboard. Chipsets are usually divided into north bridge chips and South bridge chips according to their placement on the motherboard. Northbridge chip provides support for CPU type and frequency, memory type and maximum capacity, ISA/PCI/AGP slot, ECC error correction, and so on.

5, the chip has the south bridge chip, the north bridge chip, the chip is the heart of the motherboard, the CPU is the heart of the computer. The Chipset is the core component of the motherboard and can be likened to the bridge between the CPU and peripheral devices. Depending on the placement on the motherboard, usuallyIt is divided into north bridge chip and south bridge chip.

6, if the CPU is compared to the heart of the entire computer system, then the chipset on the motherboard is the torso of the whole body. For the motherboard, the chipset almost determines the function of the motherboard, which in turn affects the performance of the entire computer system. The chipset is the soul of the motherboard. You can control everything from your computer to your phone to your digital microwave oven.

What is the North-South Bridge chip on the computer motherboard? What is it mainly used for?

Southbridge chip is responsibleCommunication between I/O buses, such as PCI bus, USB, LAN, ATA, SATA, audio controller, keyboard controller, real-time clock controller, advanced power management, etc., these technologies are generally relatively stable, so different chipsets may be the same south bridge chip, the difference is only the north bridge chip.

The North bridge chip is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, which is mainly to take into account the most close communication between the North bridge chip and the processor, in order to improve the communication performance and shorten the transmission distance. The North bridge plays a leading role in the computer, so it is also called the main bridge (HostBridge).

The Southbridge chip is responsible for communication between I/O buses, such as PCI bus, USB, LAN, ATA, SATA, audio controllers, keyboard controllers, real-time clock controllers, advanced power management, etc.

South Bridge and North Bridge? How to distinguish

1, the computer's south bridge North bridge refers to the south bridge chip and north bridge chip. A computer motherboard, with the CPU socket as the north, a chip that plays a connection role near the CPU socket is called "North bridge chip.North Bridge Chipset. 2, because the main function of the north bridge chip is to control the memory, and the memory standard and the processor change more frequently, so different chipsets in the north bridge chip is definitely different, of course, this is not to say that the memory technology used is completely different, but different chipsets between the North bridge chip must be different in some places.

3, I/O chip control; ISA bus; IRQ control (interrupt request); DMA control (direct access); RTC control; IDE control.

4, the North bridge chip is usually covered with heat sink, located next to the CPU. The south bridge is responsible for the management of the input and output device bus, such as the management of USB interface, print interface, audio, keyboard and other devices, and the technology of these devices is basically stable and unchanged, so the same stage some motherboard north bridge is not the same and the south bridge is usually a.

5, the north bridge is close to the CPU chip, basically covered by heat sink (red box below); The south bridge is a chip away from the CPU, which is generally covered by heat sinks (purple box below); PCH is actually the motherboard after the merger of the north and south bridge chip, the main bearingThe previous South bridge function, so the position is similar to the South bridge chip (purple box below).

Which two chips are composed of the chipset and what are their roles

1, the term chipset usually refers to the two main motherboard chipsets: Northbridge and Southbridge.

2, Chipset (Chipset) is the core component of the motherboard, according to the different arrangement on the motherboard, usually divided into north bridge chip and south bridge chip. The Northbridge chip provides classes on the type and frequency of the CPU and memoryType and maximum capacity, ISA/PCI/AGP slot, ECC error correction and other support.

3, the chipset is divided into North Bridge chipset and South bridge chipset. Therefore, the name thinks meaning, the north bridge and the south bridge are both Bridges and connections. North Bridge is mainly responsible for the data transmission of CPU, memory, graphics cards and PCI devices, and plays a decisive role in the performance of the motherboard. South bridge is mainly responsible for data transmission of hard disks, floppy disks, optical drives, USB devices, etc.