Method 1:Maybe the Bluetooth headset died. The Bluetooth headset is battery powered. If there is no power, or if the battery is damaged, it will disconnect automatically. We can so...

Apple headphones always display can not be broken why?

Method 1:

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Maybe the Bluetooth headset died. The Bluetooth headset is battery powered. If there is no power, or if the battery is damaged, it will disconnect automatically. We can solve this problem by charging.

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Method 2: Bluetooth receiving signal interference source is too strong. The Bluetooth headset works at 2.4g frequency, which also has a wifi router, cordless phone and 2.4g mouse. These are relatively strong sources of interference. Therefore, we can connect Bluetooth in a larger part of the signal receiving area.

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Method 3: It may be that the quality of Bluetooth headphones is not good. Especially after the renovation of the headphones, just bought normal, used for a period of time, there is a problem. If the Bluetooth headset has quality problems, it is best to replace it in time. New headphones don't usually disconnect.

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Method 4: It may be the compatibility of the Bluetooth headset. Just like Nokia's Bluetooth headset, it sometimes automatically disconnects on other brands of phones. This is a compatibility issue, so you can use Apple's original Bluetooth headset to reduce these issues.