There are several reasons why fast charging does not go in:1. Check whether there are foreign bodies in the charging interface of the mobile phone. There are foreign bodies that le...

supervooc Fast charge often does not charge why?

There are several reasons why fast charging does not go in:

1. Check whether there are foreign bodies in the charging interface of the mobile phone. There are foreign bodies that lead to poor contact between the charging interface of the mobile phone and the charger, resulting in fast charging failure. ;

2. If the battery is in poor contact with the mobile phone, it is recommended to remove the battery and reinstall it, use a clean cloth to wipe the battery and the metal point connected to the battery. ;

3. If the battery cannot be removed, ensure that the software version of the mobile phone is the latest version to eliminate software version problems. ;

4, if the ambient temperature of the phone is 15 degrees --45 degrees, it will normally be in flash charge mode; Below or beyond the normal temperature range, to ensure safety, will be in the normal charging mode. ;

5. Replace the charging position and eliminate the intermittent charging problems caused by poor socket contact. ;

6, restore the factory Settings of the phone, back up the phone data and phone book before recovery. ;

supervooc fast charge often fail to fill the reason analysis

Because of the failure of wireless charging, there may be some problems with the battery of your phone.

If the mobile phone supports wireless charging, basically can be charged in, if the mobile phone does not support it, that is, you use wireless charging is useless, we wireless charging basically in the case of charging not into the power, not the wireless charger is broken, is the mobile phone has a problem or the function key inside did not open