The word \"MusicTV\" means \"music TV.\" In the early 1980s, the American cable television network launched a new column MTV, the content is popular songs, because the program prod...

What does MTV mean?

The word \"MusicTV\" means \"music TV.\" In the early 1980s, the American cable television network launched a new column MTV, the content is popular songs, because the program production is exquisite, the songs are selected excellent songs, so the number of viewers shot up, and soon reached tens of millions. After that, television stations in Britain, France, Japan, Australia and other countries also began to produce and broadcast similar programs, and finalize the production of MTV, that is, the best songs with the most beautiful pictures, so that the original songs are only auditory art, and become a new art style combining visual and auditory.

MV reference is in recent years, we feel that the category of \"MTV\" is somewhat narrow, because \"music video\" is not only limited to TV, but also can be released separately, or through mobile phones, the network, so the use of MV to express, MV means \"MusicVideo\".

Throughout the 1980s, people were overjoyed by the advent of visual songs, and video producers were racking their brains with various camera techniques, editing methods, and special effects to achieve strange combinations of film and music. The concept of radio disc jockey (D.J.) extends to television disc jockey (V.J.). If you look at video music from a pop culture perspective, you will find that it is a complete hybrid that includes all the elements of entertainment, but in the instant processing of video music above other arts, giving full play to the imagination and providing instant satisfaction. The visual song is placed in the media entertainment circle, drawing nourishment from the popular fashion, revealing the popular trend like a mirror.

The history of video music is probably related to the history of film. The first sound television, The Jazz Singer (1927), opened the way for music and video to be combined. Disney's cartoons discovered early on that visual material and musical rhythm matched well to bring great joy to people. Some early film experimenters had made classical music into visual music. The rise of the TV industry in the 40's and 50's, 10 years in the prime time TV broadcast many famous pop song columns, the early pop song list is born from these programs, initially these programs only broadcast some live concerts, gradually added visual materials, fully grasp the pop factor. In 1956, rock star Elvis Presley won the unanimous support of American teenagers, and songs such as \"Sad Hotel\" and \"Sincere Love\" became popular. At the same time, the video song really entered the TV song show, Presley as the initiator.

In August 1981, a television network specializing in video songs, Music Network (MTV), was born, the commercial network became the most popular cable television station in history.

MUSICVEDIO (MV), in the past, many media said that MTV is only a television network specializing in MUSICVEDIO. Because of preconceived notions, many people have a little misunderstanding about this. So settle this misunderstanding today and enjoy the coolest and most IN MUSICVEDIO.

When I was young, it was mainly broadcast on tv, the full name is music tv, and now it is broadcast in various ways, the full name is music video