Dutch lithography machine number one in the world. Lithuania is a country that produces one of the laser components used in lithography machines.How small is Lithuania? Its land ar...

Is Lithuanian lithography the first in the world?

Dutch lithography machine number one in the world. Lithuania is a country that produces one of the laser components used in lithography machines.

How small is Lithuania? Its land area is only 65,300 square kilometers, which is not as big as Ningxia in China. It is simply a small country. However, such a small country is in an international leading position in the field of lasers.

It is said that even the lithography giant ASML is inseparable. So, how much does the Lithuanian laser affect us?

Laser We have all heard that since the 20th century, after atomic energy, computers, semiconductors, another major invention of mankind, known as the \"fastest knife\

The application fields of laser are very wide, such as industry, military, medicine, communications, etc., even if there are applications in daily life, such as lidar, fiber optic communication, etc., high-end to aerospace, daily like myopia surgery, laser will be used.

However, Lithuanian femtosecond lasers account for 50% of the global market share and scientific lasers account for 10% of the global market share.

So, how did such a small country achieve such a position in the laser field? The first is because it started early, as early as the beginning of the 17th century, its university began to conduct early optical research, and in 1966, the first laser generator was developed.

Secondly, thanks to the Soviet Union, at that time within the Soviet Union, a lot of heavy industry assistance, especially deep optical technology. On this basis, Lithuania has created a unique laser industry and formed a complete industrial system.

The third is the government's strong support, the country has set the laser industry as a priority development industry, and introduced a lot of preferential policies, and has been increasing investment, but also guide the integration of production, education and research, so that scientific research institutions and laser enterprises to cooperate.

It can be said that Lithuania has mastered the global femtosecond laser dominance and has the most mature manufacturer cluster of laser technology in the world. Such a small country, but the United States and Europe chip semiconductor and space field of cutting-edge technology.

We know that the manufacturing of chips is inseparable from the lithography machine, and the most powerful ASML lithography mechanism is also dependent on Lithuania, and its laser light source is from Germany TRUMPF, and the supplier of TrumPF is Lithuania's laser representative enterprise EKSPLA.

Many scientific research institutions around the world are using Lithuanian laser equipment and accessories, which shows how powerful its laser industry is.

According to relevant statistics, more than 90% of the top 100 universities in the world are using Lithuanian laser equipment. Due to the wide application of lasers, many universities, scientific research institutions and enterprises in our country are also using Lithuanian laser products.

It is understood that our National science Center also uses the products of Lithuanian EKSPLA company, and specially sends people to visit EKSPLA company for procurement. According to statistics, China's annual imports account for 7% of Lithuania's laser products exports.

How big is the impact? Qiu Hangkai, the founder of our laser company Ultron Photon, once said directly: If Lithuania restricts the export of lasers or core devices to our country, the scientific research and industrial production of many domestic universities will have to stop.

So, will Lithuania restrict the export of laser products to our country, and how should our country respond?

First, Lithuania should not limit, and certainly not rule out, the possibility of a tantrum. Although Lithuania is a laser leader, more than 90% of its products are exported, especially femtosecond lasers and other equipment are almost exported to foreign countries.

Our dependence on Lithuanian lasers is nothing compared to Lithuania's dependence on our products.

If the laser restrictions are implemented, then it means that Lithuania has voluntarily abandoned the world's largest laser consumer market. And this will affect the trade with our country, Lithuania's total exports will be reduced by 7%.

Second, if the laser restrictions are really implemented in a rush, then the result can only be replaced. First, although the Lithuanian laser is powerful, the share is not 100%, and there are already similar products on the market that can be replaced.

Second, the implementation of restrictions will only accelerate China's independent research and development, but will promote the progress of domestic femtosecond lasers.

Moreover, even if there is no restriction on this situation, we have already begun to layout, how can such an important industry always let it be subject to others? In September this year, China's laser enterprise Ultron Photon obtained a financing of nearly 100 million yuan, which will be used to build a femtosecond laser industrial standardization production line of 1,000 units, and further break the overseas laser monopoly.

Ultron Photon is not an ordinary laser enterprise, the predecessor of the company's group purchase is the Xi 'an Institute of Optics and Machinery of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which began to develop femtosecond lasers in 1985. It can be seen that we have already acted, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences has taken the lead in counterattacking.

In addition, there are Dazu laser, Huari laser and other enterprises, are also moving forward, and have made breakthrough achievements.

Therefore, we do not need to worry about Lithuania's laser restrictions, in view of the current industry situation, even for our domestic lithography machine, will increase efforts to carry out self-research, I believe that in time will eventually get rid of foreign dependence!

Lithuanian lithography machine is not the first in the world, but the laser cutting technology used for lithography machine is mastered by the main Taoan, and its femtosecond laser production accounts for 50% of the global market share, like the United States, the European Union and the Dutch lithography machine production company ASML, they are loyal customers of Lithuanian laser products.

China has also recently invested heavily in the research of laser technology, not subject to others!

No, the Dutch lithography machine is the best in the world.

The Netherlands ASML, almost dominates the global ultra-high-end lithography machine market, many netizens expressed doubts, why only the Netherlands can manufacture such a lithography machine? Isn't the United States the \"leader\" in the chip industry? Is it also in the field of lithography machine by the Netherlands \"stuck neck\"? To understand this problem, we have to understand the history of ASML in the Netherlands, in fact, the reason why the Dutch ASML is called the \"most\" lithography machine is only because the production is in the Netherlands, if the EUV lithography machine belongs to which country, it should belong to the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands.