Academician Wang graduated from the Department of Physics of Nankai University in 1962, and has been working in the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences s...

The world's top semiconductor expert?

Academician Wang graduated from the Department of Physics of Nankai University in 1962, and has been working in the Institute of Semiconductors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences since the same year.

In his early career, he devoted himself to the study of the radiation effects of silicon solar cells for artificial satellites, as well as the static, dynamic and nuclear transient radiation effects of electronic materials, devices and components, and made contributions to China's two bombs and one satellite cause.

He assisted Academician Lin Lanying to successfully grow gallium arsenide single crystal for the first time in space environment, and proposed a five-level model of gallium arsenide electrical compensation and a new criterion for electrical compensation in 1993, which not only explained the conductivity problem of gallium arsenide, but also pointed out the direction for improving the quality of gallium arsenide crystals.

His later concept of flexible substrates pointed to a new direction for the development of heteroepitaxy with large lattice mismatches.