Through the statistical analysis of the semiconductor industry, the top ten semiconductor enterprises in China are: Unigroup Group, Huawei, Changdian Technology, SMIC, Taiji Indust...

China Semiconductor listed companies ranking?

Through the statistical analysis of the semiconductor industry, the top ten semiconductor enterprises in China are: Unigroup Group, Huawei, Changdian Technology, SMIC, Taiji Industrial, Zhonghuan Stock, Zhenhua Technology, Nastar, ZTE, Huatian Technology. The following is an explanation of the ranking of Chinese semiconductor companies.

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China's semiconductor enterprises ranked first, Unigroup Group

Unigroup first started in 1988. In that year, Tsinghua University established Tsinghua University Science and Technology Development Corporation, which is the first comprehensive school-run enterprise established by Tsinghua University to accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, and is also the predecessor of Unigroup Group. In recent years, Unigroup has gradually formed a high-tech industrial ecological chain led by integrated circuits, from \"core\" to \"cloud\

China's semiconductor companies ranked second, Huawei

Huawei is the world's leading information and communication technology (ICT) solution provider, focusing on the ICT field, adhering to sound management, continuous innovation, open cooperation, and building end-to-end solution advantages in telecom operators, enterprises, terminals and cloud computing. To provide competitive ICT solutions, products and services to carrier customers, enterprise customers and consumers, and to realize the future information society and build a better and fully connected world.

China's semiconductor enterprises ranked third, Changdian Technology

Jiangsu Changdian Technology Co., Ltd. is China's famous discrete device manufacturer, integrated circuit packaging production base, one of China's top 100 electronics enterprises, national key high-tech enterprises and China's top ten independent innovation ability industry (first). Middle and senior technical employees account for the total number of employees

Forty percent. The company was successfully listed on the A Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in June 2003 (stock code 600584).

China's semiconductor companies ranked fourth, SMIC

The main business is to manufacture integrated circuit chips for customers according to their own or third party integrated circuit designs.

China's semiconductor enterprises ranked fifth, Taiji Industry

Wuxi Taiji Industrial Co., LTD., formerly known as Wuxi Synthetic Fiber General Factory, was founded in 1987. Through several years of development, it has considerable technical and economic strength. A technologically advanced enterprise with certain popularity and development prospects in China. The company has developed three main products, such as color differential filament, C fiber smoke filter filament tow and polyester cord.

China's semiconductor enterprises ranked sixth, Zhonghuan shares

Tianjin Zhonghuan Semiconductor Co., Ltd. was founded in 1999, formerly known as Tianjin No. 3 Semiconductor Device Factory established in 1969, completed joint-stock transformation in 2004, and was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in April 2007. The stock is referred to as \"Zhonghuan Stock\


China's semiconductor enterprises ranked seventh, Zhenhua Technology

China Zhenhua (Group) Technology Co., Ltd. is the exclusive initiator of China Zhenhua Electronics Group Co., LTD., and restructured with its superior assets, namely, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the initiator's program-controlled switching machine factory,

China Zhenhua Group Xinyun equipment Factory, China Zhenhua Group Yu Optoelectronics Factory and China Zhenhua Group Jianxin machinery factory after the reorganization of some of the production and operating assets raised by the joint-stock company.

China's semiconductor enterprises ranked eighth, Nastar

Nastar, the founder of Gezge brand. Nastar Group is one of the world's largest manufacturers of printing supplies, based in China, global operations. As the only domestic enterprise that has mastered the technology of general-purpose consumable chips, NASTar Group occupies more than 80% of the global compatible ink cartridge chip market.

China's semiconductor companies ranked ninth, ZTE

Zte Corporation Limited, hereinafter referred to as ZTE. The world's leading integrated communication solution provider and China's largest listed communication equipment company.

China's semiconductor enterprises ranked tenth, Huatian Technology

Huatian Technology was founded on November 12, 2003, Tianshui Huatian Microelectronics Co., LTD., Gansu Electric Power Construction Investment and Development Company, Hangzhou Shilan Microelectronics Co., LTD., Hangzhou Youwang Electronics Co., LTD., natural persons Yang Guozhong and Ge Zhigang, Shanghai Beiling Co., LTD., Wuxi Silicon Power Microelectronics Co., Ltd. signed a unanimous agreement to jointly initiate the establishment of Tianshui Huatian Technology Co., LTD.

At present, China's semiconductor industry is still in the primary stage of development, and the development degree is lower than the international advanced level. With the large-scale introduction, digestion and absorption of China's semiconductor industry as well as the key construction of the industry, China has become the largest market in the global semiconductor market. Data show that in 2017, the actual sales of China's semiconductor market was 720.08 billion yuan, an increase of 13.7%. That's all for the ranking of Chinese semiconductor companies.

The following is the ranking of China's listed semiconductor companies

China Resources Micro (688396), SAN 'an Optoelectronics (600703), Shilanwei (600460), Wentai Technology (600745), Xinjie Energy (605111), Luxiao Technology (002617), Star Semiconductor (603290)