无线充比线充慢ichaiyang 2024-05-11 23:17 22
The main reasons for the slow charging speed of mobile phones are: charger damage, charging cable failure, mobile phone interface damage or blockage, battery aging, mobile phone ba...

What is the reason for the slow charging of the charging gun?

The main reasons for the slow charging speed of mobile phones are: charger damage, charging cable failure, mobile phone interface damage or blockage, battery aging, mobile phone background program impact and other common problems, you can find out the problem by checking the relevant accessories and system use

1. Non-original charger may be used

Or the charger power is small, resulting in slow charging, it is recommended to use a replacement charger;

2. There may be dust coming out of the socket, or the socket is loose, it is recommended to wipe the charging port;

3. Mobile phone software reasons, it is recommended to format the mobile phone.