1. VacuumDischarge the refrigerant before removing the ice blockage. The cooling system is vacuumed and filled with dry nitrogen. Start the compressor to run until the dry nitrogen...

How to deal with the return air blockage of air cooled refrigerator?

1. Vacuum

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Discharge the refrigerant before removing the ice blockage. The cooling system is vacuumed and filled with dry nitrogen. Start the compressor to run until the dry nitrogen absorbs water and then vacuum, so repeated several times. And when the refrigeration system is restored, a new filter dryer should be replaced. When charging high-quality refrigerant, the filter dryer should also be used to absorb water in the refrigerant as much as possible.

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2, dry treatment

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Before the refrigeration parts are loaded into the system, they must be dried in a constant temperature drying oven. For complex parts, such as the fully enclosed compressor to be baked at a temperature of 105 ° C (slightly higher than the boiling point of water at local atmospheric pressure) for 816 hours in a constant temperature environment, so that the water can be vaporized and discharged. But the temperature can not be too high, because the temperature is higher than 120 ° C will damage the motor insulation medium. Generally, parts with simple structure can be baked for about 4 hours. If conditions exist, vacuuming at the same time of baking can reduce the pressure or temperature, because it can reduce the boiling point of water and is more conducive to the discharge of water.