华为线充和无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-11 22:33 38
Huawei phone chargers cannot charge computers. Because the output voltage of the two is different, this may damage the computer.Electromagnetic induction This is the most common wi...

Can the charging cable of a Huawei mobile phone charge a Huawei PC?

Huawei phone chargers cannot charge computers. Because the output voltage of the two is different, this may damage the computer.

Electromagnetic induction This is the most common wireless charger working mode, it uses the principle of electromagnetic induction, through the primary and secondary coil between the electromagnetic induction to generate current, so as to achieve the energy in the space of the transfer; The implementation of this wireless charger has been promoted by the Wireless Charging Alliance.

Of course, but pay attention to whether it matches the computer's charging protocol, if it does not match, it can only use slow charging, otherwise there is no fast charging effect, and relatively slow, of course, fast charging of the computer requirements are relatively high, a little computer has no way to identify the charger charging protocol, can only use slow charging, and the computer will also protect, not to let the computer heat too fast