立式无线充改平充ichaiyang 2024-05-11 22:22 32
Hello, for 200 square meters of shops, it is recommended to use the way of zoning air conditioning layout. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the specific measurement of th...


Hello, for 200 square meters of shops, it is recommended to use the way of zoning air conditioning layout. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the specific measurement of the shop to determine the size of the air conditioning configuration, on this basis, choose the appropriate brand and model, and it is best to choose a customized central air conditioning system.

Secondly, it is necessary to pay attention to the actual room area and window wall area and direction, and reasonably determine the arrangement of air conditioning vents and the size of exhaust vents.

Finally, according to the nature of the business and actual needs of the shop, the subdivision control of air conditioning can be carried out, for example, the air conditioning can be set for different areas. It should be noted that the selection and installation of the location of the air conditioner is also very important, and the air conditioner should be avoided directly towards the human body, which will have discomfort.

Just install a central air conditioner!

Central air conditioning, a few rooms to drag a few.

It is best to install central air conditioning, install a vertical to install four units a corner