立式无线充改平充ichaiyang 2024-05-11 22:21 23
Of course, the flat water meter can not be used standing, the pointer inside the water meter is set according to its installation mode, the flat water meter is best to let it be fl...

Can a flat water meter be used standing up?

Of course, the flat water meter can not be used standing, the pointer inside the water meter is set according to its installation mode, the flat water meter is best to let it be flat, the impact of the water flow is horizontal, the vertical water meter can only be used standing, the impact of the water flow on it is up and down, if it is reversed, the impact of the water flow on the pointer can not guarantee the accurate measurement of water flow. So buy a water meter according to the location of your water pipe.

Yes, it is best to install a vertical water meter, not called a horizontal type.