usb快充插座无线充ichaiyang 2024-05-11 21:56 18
Universal Serial Bus (USB is a serial bus standard and a technical specification for input and output interfaces, widely used in information and communication products such as per...

What is a usb interface plug?

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus standard and a technical specification for input and output interfaces, widely used in information and communication products such as personal computers and mobile devices, and extended to photography equipment, digital television (set-top boxes), game consoles, and other related fields.

The latest generation is the USB4, which has a transfer speed of 40Gbit\/s, a three-stage voltage of 5V\/12V\/20V, a maximum power supply of 100W, and a new Type C interface that allows blind and reverse insertion.

The USB interface is a four-pin interface in which the middle two pins transmit data and two people on either side supply power to the peripheral