1, Which is good for terminal selling or channel selling 2, Is it better to be a channel salesman or a terminal salesman? Which development opportunity is greater? More money? 3,...

Which is better, terminal sales or channel sales? (What are the types of terminal sales channels?)

Which is better between terminal sales and channel sales

1. Both have their own advantages. The advantages of terminal sales are: you can better understand customer needs and feedback, timely identification and solution of problems, and improve customer experience. It can provide more personalized and customized services and products, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sales links and data can be more accurately controlled.

2, terminal salesBoth channel sales and channel sales have their own advantages, specifically as follows: Terminal sales: refers to the direct sales of products to consumers. The advantage of terminal sales is that it can directly face consumers, can better understand customer needs, and can conduct product demonstration and trial on the spot, which is conducive to improving sales effect.

3, do a better channel. In terms of sales revenue; Do channels, go is the amount, even if your single product profit is very low, your income is very high. Because, there are a large number of people to do for you, do terminal, you are rushed to the first money, even if your single product profit is very high, you can not make much money,Greater opportunities for growth? More money? 1, personal think, almost, the key depends on what products you do, what people to deal with, how the platform, the terminal is more directly in the face of consumers, the channel is more mainly in the face of businessmen, to see what type of sales you like.

2, first, you have to judge the form of your product, is a large transaction or a small transaction, is a daily necessity or a one-time consumption. If it is a large transaction and a lifetime per capita will only consume a few times, it is recommended to do the terminal, if the amount is not large but it is often to consume, it is recommended to do the channel.

3, the canalTao is a little better. From the sales revenue to do the channel, go is the volume, even if the profit of a single product is very low, the income is very high. Because, there is a large group of people to do for you, do terminal, is rushed to the first money, even if the profit of a single product is very high, it can not make much money.

4, generally speaking, the channel is better to do. There are also two types of channels: industrial channels; Commodity channel. 1 is relatively easy, 2 is relatively troublesome, or very troublesome. Personally, the channel can not be a strong training of people's sales ability.

As a salesman, run channel sales and terminal sales which to make money? One is run volume, one is single...

Better channels. From the sales revenue to do the channel, go is the volume, even if the profit of a single product is very low, the income is very high. Because, there is a large group of people to do for you, do terminal, is rushed to the first money, even if the profit of a single product is very high, it can not make much money.

Terminal sales, that is, direct to the sales terminal, that is, the end user, that is often said "direct sales model", such as Dell is best known for its direct sales model.

Terminal salesman is a direct-to-consumer business personnel. Channel salesman is like a canal, can sell the products of the enterprise, such a business unit is called the channel. In general, when enterprises talk about channels, they mostly say that from the manufacturer to the terminal, the middle of this section.

Which is more advantageous in terminal sales versus channel sales?

Both have their own advantages. The advantages of terminal sales include a better understanding of customer needs and feedbackTo find and solve problems in a timely manner to improve customer experience. It can provide more personalized and customized services and products, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Sales links and data can be more accurately controlled.

Channels should be better. From the sales revenue to do the channel, go is the volume, even if the profit of a single product is very low, the income is very high. Because, there is a large group of people to do for you, do terminal, is rushed to the first money, even if the profit of a single product is very high, it can not make much money.

Gradually abandoned the channel model that they had started to make the market management more detailed, quantification.