Cause of fever:1. Run high-energy-consuming apps such as playing 3D games, playing videos, and transmitting large amounts of data, causing the CPU to continue to run at a high load...

Why do newly bought headphones start to heat up when plugged into the phone connector?

Cause of fever:

1. Run high-energy-consuming apps such as playing 3D games, playing videos, and transmitting large amounts of data, causing the CPU to continue to run at a high load.

2, while charging while playing games or phone battery input, output, which will not only lose double power, but also may cause harm to battery performance, it is best to avoid this behavior.

3. Using a bad lithium battery or a bad copycat is not a problem for iPhone users, as long as they don't buy an iPhone that can replace the battery and has dual SIM cards and dual lights.

4. Mobile App fault Sometimes some apps run abnormally, which will occupy a large amount of memory and cause the CPU to run with high load.

5. Cases and other coverings with some poor quality cases may affect the heat dissipation of the iPhone and cause the phone to become hot.

6. The jailbroken iPhone does not install plug-ins After jailbreaking, some plug-ins that start randomly and stay in the background for a long time or incompatible plug-ins may cause the phone to get hot. Quick ways to cool your phone down when it's already hot:

1. If the heat dissipation of the phone case is not good, remove the phone case for heat dissipation.

2. Physically cool your phone by placing it on a cold desk or wall.

3. If you have air conditioning, put your phone on the air outlet and blow cool air.

4. Close unused background programs.

5. If the phone is already hot, you can try to restart the iPhone to effectively cool it down.

If your newly bought headphones plug into the phone interface and start to heat up, it means that your phone has a problem or there is a problem with the headset, or you use it for a long time, if not for a long time, in this case you should go to a professional mobile phone shop to inquire whether your phone is faulty, if there is no problem with the phone, You can return or exchange your headphones through the merchant.

The current is too high during the connection, change the headset

Then don't use it. Maybe the two milliamps aren't the same