1, indicating that the heat dissipation function of this Bluetooth headset is not very good, resulting in Bluetooth headset calls or listening to music will be hot.2. Listening to...

How can Bluetooth headphones be hot when charged?

1, indicating that the heat dissipation function of this Bluetooth headset is not very good, resulting in Bluetooth headset calls or listening to music will be hot.

2. Listening to music for too long, the Bluetooth headset has been in a working state, which will also lead to hot.

3, the general Bluetooth headset is mainly used for calls, if you want to listen to music, you can buy a special Bluetooth headset for listening to music.

4. It is recommended not to listen to music with Bluetooth headphones for too long, one is not good for the battery of Bluetooth headphones, one is not good for hearing.

It could also be the following

First, the heat dissipation function of Bluetooth headphones is not very good.

Second, listen to the car listening to the song for too long, the Bluetooth hand headset has been in a working state.

Third, the general Bluetooth headset is mainly used for talking, if you want to listen to music, you can buy a Bluetooth headset for listening to music,

Fourth, it is recommended not to listen to music with Bluetooth headphones for too long.

The hot charging of the Bluetooth headset is caused by the entry of current. If the Bluetooth headset is charged, there are generally the following situations that will lead to heat, including the use of a high-power charger, one is that the ambient temperature is too high, and the other is that the temperature is relatively high, and the charger is charging when the current into the hot, this is normal.

If it is hot is not very serious, it is normal, but if it is not the use of the original charger or the old charger with poor quality, it may not be too good, because the communication between the headset and the charger needs to be completed before charging. In addition, check whether the contact between the charging port and the charging head is good. Generally, as long as the temperature does not exceed 50 degrees is normal, too good should stop charging to find out the problem.

The heat generated by charging the Bluetooth headset is estimated to be the heat emitted by the power management circuit of the headset during the conversion of voltage and current. It does not rule out the reason of excessive charging current.

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Stop charging and wait for cooling. ## When charging, part of the electric energy will be converted into heat energy; When the current passes through the conductor, it will also generate some heat, and a slight scalding is a normal phenomenon, please rest assured.

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If the feeling of hot situation is particularly obvious, it means that your charging current is too large, to change the charger hope to help you ## It is estimated that the internal circuit is faulty, Bluetooth headphone charging current is generally not more than one hundred or two hundred mA, the current is not large, will not lead to heat. Charge it. If it breaks, it doesn't work. If it works, keep using it. I can't fix this on my own.