IC是芯片吗ichaiyang 2024-05-08 14:11 30
COG is an abbreviation for Cluster of Orthologous Groups of proteins. The proteins that make up each COG are assumed to come from an ancestral protein and are therefore either orth...

What do COG and IC mean?

COG is an abbreviation for Cluster of Orthologous Groups of proteins. The proteins that make up each COG are assumed to come from an ancestral protein and are therefore either orthologs or paralogs. Orthologs are proteins from different species that have evolved from vertical families (speciation) and typically retain the same function as the original protein. Paralogs are proteins that in a particular species are derived from gene copies that can evolve new, related functions. Please refer to the literature for more information.

IC card is the meaning of integrated circuit card, IC card is a plastic card containing large-scale integrated circuits, its size and the size of the original magnetic card telephone magnetic card.