IC是芯片吗ichaiyang 2024-05-08 14:11 22
differenceIntegrated circuit, or microcircuit, microchip, chip (in electronics is a way to miniaturize a circuit (mainly including semiconductor devices, but also including passive...

What is the difference between LED chips and chips?


Integrated circuit, or microcircuit, microchip, chip (in electronics is a way to miniaturize a circuit (mainly including semiconductor devices, but also including passive components, etc.), and is usually manufactured on the surface of a semiconductor wafer. The aforementioned integrated circuits that manufacture circuits on the surface of semiconductor chips are also known as thin film integrated circuits. Another type of thick film hybrid integrated circuit is a miniaturized circuit composed of independent semiconductor devices and passive components integrated into a substrate or circuit board.

Chip is one of the most important raw materials of LED, is the LED light component, the most core part of LED, chip quality will directly determine the performance of LED. The wafer is composed of group Ⅲ and Group Ⅴ composite semiconductor materials. In the LED package, the chip incoming material is neatly arranged on the chip film.

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Wafer generally refers to a thin slice cut from monocrystalline silicon, with a diameter of 6 inches, 8 inches, 12 inches and other specifications, mainly used to produce integrated circuits. The chip is just the raw material, the chip is the finished product.

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The chip is composed of transistors, resistors, capacitors through the wire, engraved on the wafer, and finally packaged.

Chips can be divided into several categories: IC(integrated circuit), discrete components, photoelectric components (ex:led, laser). You mentioned the arm, ASIC, FGPA, all belong to the IC, namely the millions of transistors (transistor) collection of circuit on a chip, common transistors MOSFET, bipolar transistor. And led is a kind of photoelectric component, generally in three to five family of wafer on a discrete type of light-emitting diodes, discrete said a word is a single element, rather than the circuit. The LED process does have a similar saying to the IC process node, but it is not so detailed. Such as the recently very red miniled(~100 micron grade), microled(< 50 micron grade)