1, US government starts investigating, Musk is in big trouble 2. Musk says he will implant himself with a brain chip! What kind of technology is this? 3, After the human conscio...

Musk says humans first implanted brain computer interface chip (humanoid robot concept leading stock)

US government begins investigation, Musk is in big trouble

1, Sure enough, the US government began to investigate, the world's richest man Musk is in big trouble. The focus of the investigation is Neuralink, Musk's brain-computer interface company. The so-called brain-computer interface, my understanding is that the chip is implanted in the brain.

2, because it was provided for UkraineIn the next six months, by implanting a brain machine chip in the human brain, it will help patients with general paralysis or disabilities and born blind to restore limb function and vision function, and it is currently being reviewed by the US FDA.

This is Musk following the manned rocket, electric cars, only another breakthrough innovation, Musk claimed that the implantation of chips in the brain to transmit information will be the future of groundbreaking technological progress. Neuralink, the brain-computer interface giant led by Elon Musk, recently announced a milestone achievement - they have successfully implanted a chipWith the human brain, this is the first such operation in human history.

Brain implantation technology refers to the implantation of a chip in the brain, bypassing the damaged spine, brain instructions to the hand muscles, the current level of brain implantation technology is still at a rapid stage of development. Neuralink claims to be able to implant a custom-made chip into the brain in a minimally invasive, blooless and safe way to better read and amplify signals from the brain, and finally transmit the brain signals from the chip using a wire 4-6 microns in diameter (less than one-tenth the diameter of a human hair).

After the human consciousness can be downloaded and uploaded? Musk, this is serious

1, consciousness upload can be said to be a high technology that has long existed in science fiction movies, according to its assumption, all things in the human brain, including consciousness, spirit, thought, memory, etc., can be uploaded to the computer for storage.

2, I think it is possible in the future, but it cannot be done according to the current level of science and technology. And Musk offered no direct evidence of the company's researchTherefore, the research results only exist in the hypothesis, can not be taken seriously.

3, so the brain-computer interface can indeed achieve consciousness immortality, but that is only a formatted preservation of your life and your inherent consciousness. Musk showed that he uploaded his brain to the cloud this time, which caused a lot of hot discussion among netizens.

4, of course, after uploading to the cloud, it can be said that it is a further development of artificial intelligence, and humans and artificial intelligence can coexist peacefully. But this balance must be held particularly well, otherwise it will bring irreparable harm to everyone.