1, What is the semiconductor chip test equipment 2, What is a semiconductor test probe? 3. What is the role of the What are the functions of semiconductor test probes? 4, Test...

Semiconductor chip test probe (Semiconductor chip test probe enterprise)

What are the semiconductor chip test equipment

1, Test Handler: used to test and classify chips, usually including test heads, probe cards and robotic arms and other components. Wire Bonder: ForThe chip is connected to the pin of the packaged device, usually using gold or copper wire for connection.

2, microscopic imaging equipment: mainly including optical microscope, scanning electron microscope, etc., for the observation and analysis of material microstructure images. Chemical analysis equipment: mainly includes electron probe, energy spectrometer, Raman spectrometer, etc., used for chemical composition detection and analysis.

3, welding machine: welding machine is used to connect the chip to the packaging material. This device can be welded using hot pressing or ultrasonic welding. Fatigue tester: Fatigue tester is used to test whether the chip is used for a long timeA fault occurs. This device can simulate the stress and temperature environment in real use.

4, the main semiconductor packaging and testing equipment includes: thinning machine. Thinning machine is to thin the wafer substrate by thinning/grinding, improve the chip heat dissipation effect, thinning to a certain thickness is conducive to the later packaging process. Four probes.

5, semiconductor devices are electronic devices made of semiconductor components. Semiconductor equipment includes laser marking machines, laser inkjet printers, packaging machines, water purifiers, etc. A semiconductor is a material with an electrical conductivity between a conductor and an insulator at room temperature. Tahiro'> What is a semiconductor test probe?

1, semiconductor high frequency test needle commonly known as "double head slingshot needle", referred to as "high frequency needle" commonly used probe head types are: B, J, JU, UT, etc., its small size, high test accuracy requirements. Mainly used in semiconductor testing and communication equipment frequency testing field. Such as: mobile phone, walkie-talkie, computer, broadcast and other communication frequency test.

2, hello, please see the following can compare the appearance of the difference, the design of the semiconductor probe combines the electrical conductivity and hardness of the product, thus forming a uniform force distribution and high adaptive performanceProducts, South Valley's double-ended probes can be excellent links between the BGA test end and the PCB board.

3, BGA is made at the bottom of the package substrate array welding ball as the I/O end of the circuit and the printed circuit board (PCB) interconnect. Use LH (Taiwan d ±‹ hong) semiconductor probes or modules to test read/write programs

4, to see that kind of, like the circuit board industry, Nanjing cooperation they are mainly to do the flying needle test machine need to test the probe, Shenzhen Yuzhiguang is also a flying needle machine, and Wangtongda, flying, Maria these are the need to test the probe.

What are the functions of semiconductor test probes?

1, mainly used in semiconductor testing and communication equipment frequency testing field. Such as: mobile phone, walkie-talkie, computer, broadcast and other communication frequency test. More about probe knowledge Baidu searchCable - Dongguan - "Jing Honest Industry" hope to help you.

2, enhance the durability of the fixture The IC test probe is designed so that its spring space is larger than that of the conventional probe, so it can obtain a longer life.

3, the probe is actually a high-end precision electronic components, mainly used in mobile phones and other electronic products, play a connection role. The test probe is equivalent to a medium, the head of the probe can be used to contact the object to be measured during the test, and the other end is used to conduct signals and carry out current transmission.

4, enhance the durability of IC test mold test needle designThe spring space is larger than the traditional probe, so it can achieve a longer life and accommodate greater elasticity.

5, improve production efficiency. ICT/MDA is mainly used to test the measuring patch of the object to be measured through the probe, and can be measured such as: detection open-short, resistance value measurement, capacitance capacitance value measurement, inductance sensing measurement, diode mass measurement, transistor measurement, voltage measurement, IC measurement, route measurement and other detection.

6, Good shielding of the probe and measurement leads is very important for three reasons: 1 The circuit involves high impedance, so it is easy to absorbTo static interference. 2 The contact points on the semiconductor material can produce a diode effect, thereby rectifying the absorbed signal and displaying it as a DC bias.

Test side of the probe

The probe is the DNA needle. Used to detect specific DNA fragments. A gene probe, or nucleic acid probe, is a nucleic acid sequence (DNA or RNA) that is complementary to the target gene, with detection markers and known sequence.

Test probe is a test connection used to test PCBA in electronic testingConnected electronic components, is a test fixture, as a medium in the test to play a conductive role.

Before the electron probe measurement of geological bodies, only U, Th, Pb dating of zircon and monazite is relatively mature. The results show that the chemical ages determined by the electron probe are within the range of the traditional isotopic method, especially for the older geologic bodies, and the accuracy is high.