芯片法案ichaiyang 2024-05-11 13:40 37
1, Can the Chip Act cure America's "core disease"? 2. Biden signed the Chip Bill. Why did he sign it? 3. The signing of the Chip and Science Act in the United States, what harm...

The Chip Act (What the Chip Act Means for China)

Can the Chip Act cure America's "core disease"?

$100 million subsidy, can not cure the United States core disease! Because it's not a question of money, it's a question of the market. Give up the worldThe largest demand for chips in China's market is bearish, not only bearish, but also big bearish.

2, but the chip act alone wants to solve the United States core disease is basically impossible. U.S. government grants and tax breaks seem favorable, but such subsidies in the semiconductor field are just a drop in the bucket. Such behavior will only help Big factories consolidate their monopoly position.

3, the United States passed the chip bill, Biden and Pelosi are still difficult to cure the United States core disease, the most important reason is that consumers will ultimately vote with their feet, and the corresponding chip manufacturers will consider global sales and profits.

Biden signed the Chip Bill. Why did he sign it?

1, the specific reason is to force the chip industry chain to migrate to the United States. But this is a pretty long-term impact, and the impact on stocks is there, but not thereIt is likely that our chip industry will not be able to develop faster and affect the decline of our stock. It's all about the bad side of our chip.

The most fundamental reason for the US leader to sign the chip bill is to maintain its scientific and technological hegemony.

In the future chip field can occupy a dominant position, the United States will be able to occupy the most important voice. It could lead to a global chip race. After the United States signed the chip Act, it will have a major impact on the global chip manufacturing and production industry. Jiao Xinwang said US policymakers were increasingly concerned about the competitiveness of China's high-end manufacturingLarge international chip companies have become "illegal" to invest in China.

There may even be harm to the relationship between the two countries. There could also be a range of reactions from other countries. The chip and science Act signed by the United States not only has a lot of impact on our country, but also has a profound impact on the technology of chip research in various countries around the world, and may hinder the development of chips at the most serious time.