Huawei's organizational structure is similar to a pyramid structure, and the entire company is composed of multiple business units and functional departments. 1. At the top, Mr. Re...

Huawei's organizational structure?

Huawei's organizational structure is similar to a pyramid structure, and the entire company is composed of multiple business units and functional departments. 1. At the top, Mr. Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, serves as the chairman of the company, representing the top leader of the whole company. 2. The next step is the board of directors, which implements the decisions of the board of directors. Huawei's CEO and CFO are also at this level, and assume the most important responsibility for the formulation of corporate strategy. 3. Further down, there are the presidents of each business unit, who are responsible for the operation of different product lines of the company, such as terminal business, carrier network business, enterprise business, etc. 4. At the lowest level are specific employees and grass-roots managers who work according to the functions set by the business unit. To sum up, Huawei's organizational structure is a clear pyramid structure, with close links between the top and the bottom and clear responsibilities, aiming to better formulate strategy, management and operation for the company.

Huawei's organizational structure can be divided into three levels: the company level, the department level, and the team level.

At the company level, Huawei's organizational structure mainly includes the company's board of directors, executive Committee, board of supervisors and management.

At the departmental level, Huawei's organizational structure mainly includes technical committee, strategic committee and business department. The shareholders committee is the highest authority of the company, consisting of two shareholders, the trade union and Ren Zhengfei.

From the organizational structure (functional platform) of Huawei, we can see that it can be divided into Huawei operator BG, enterprise BG, consumer BG, network products and solutions, Cloud& Five business divisions of AI BG.

Not only to create profits for the company, but also to support the human resources, finance, corporate strategy, corporate development and other 17 departments. It also includes all the employees who support the products, research and development, testing and marketing of these five business BG.

Huawei's organizational structure includes the decision-making and Coordination Committee President, President's Office, Management Engineering Department, Audit Department, legal Affairs Department, research and development system, production system, marketing system, financial system, and administration department.

Management positions in Huawei are divided into four levels:

Level 1: \"Company President\"

The second level: major systems, job title \"System President\

Huawei's organizational structure is divided into four levels: executive committee, business department, functional department, and regional organization. The Executive Committee is Huawei's highest leadership body, chaired by company founder Ren Zhengfei, and other members include the CEO, CFO, CTO and other senior executives.

The Executive Committee sets the strategy and decisions of the company and ensures the long-term development of the company.