芯片采购ichaiyang 2024-05-10 19:35 36
1. Does anyone know how to buy chips? 2, What are the chip procurement platforms? 3. How can I source good chips? 4, How to buy Sainte Bonneville chips 5, What are the foreign...

Chip purchase (Chip purchase platform)

Does anyone know how to buy chips?

Huaqiang Electronic network: Huaqiang electronic network is a comprehensive website for the procurement of electronic components and raw materialsGlobal IC chip, electronic components buyers, suppliers, manufacturers to provide related services. In summary, although there are some domestic electronic chip distributors to provide one-stop services, but to fully meet all needs, may also need further market development and innovation. In this big world, finding the most suitable electronic components may require a pair of eyes and patient exploration.

Contact the official website of Quanzhi Company. Through online customer service or telephone consultation, you can understand the latest price and after-sales service of the whole chip, and purchase related products. Trading through electronic componentsWebsite. These websites usually provide detailed information, prices, after-sales services, etc., and you can purchase them according to your needs.

Huaqiang electronic network, Cotong core city. Huaqiang Electronic network is a vertical B2B website for the procurement of electronic components and raw materials, providing professional services for global ic chip/electronic components/accessories buyers, suppliers, traders and manufacturers.

What are the chip procurement platforms?

1, Huaqiang electronic network, Cotong core city. Huaqiang Electronic network is electronic components raw material procurement vertical B2B website for global ic chip/electronic components/accessories buyers, suppliers, traders, manufacturers to provide professional services.

2, DigiKeyElectronics. MouserElectronics. DigiKeyElectronics: A leading global distributor of electronic components, offering a selection of chip products and an online trading platform. MouserElectronics: an online sourcing platform for electronic components and chip products from all over the world.

3, hunting core net, idle core. Hunting core netIt is a well-known professional IC chip and electronic components procurement mall platform at home and abroad, which can carry out second-hand chip trading, but must ensure that the source of the chip is legal. Xianxin is a second-hand trading platform for chips that are positioned as idle chips and value preserving transactions.

4, want to know more about the relevant information about chip procurement, recommend to consult Yunhan core city.

How can I source good chips?

1. Diversified suppliers: Diversified suppliers are the key to maintain procurement competitiveness. It is possible to work with multiple suppliersEnsure that there are multiple suppliers to choose from when purchasing key chips, thus achieving competition.

2, the difficulty of purchasing ic chips is not high, mainly to understand many aspects of the data and content can be, this is very key, do not ignore various details.

3, directly from the United States chip manufacturers: the United States has many well-known chip manufacturers, such as Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcom, etc., can directly purchase chips through their official websites or dealer channels. Purchase through domestic agents or distributors.

4, the way to purchase the chip of Shengbang Micro. checkLook at the authorized agents on the official website, you can see the address and contact information of each agent. Chip spot online mall, many platforms, such as Yunhan, Lichuang, Dejie, E network alliance and so on and open these platforms input models will also pop up many agents.

5, of course, no matter where to buy, in the procurement of electronic chips, there are the following points that need to be noted: familiar with the appearance of components, model, performance and parameters of China IC network complete device model including the main model, prefix, suffix, package, pitch, error, material and so on.

How to purchase chips from Saint Bonwee

Hikvision. Shengbang refers to Shengbang Microelectronics Co., LTD., founded on January 26, 2007, located in North West Third Ring Road, Haidian District, Beijing. The chips manufactured by the company are mainly provided to Hikvision, namely Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., LTD.

R & D strength and talent reserve/As a gathering place for domestic chip R & D talents, Shengbang Microelectronics has more than 1200 employees, of which R&D personnel account for 72%, and the proportion of master and learned positions reaches 49%, which highlights the company's heavy investment in R & DCogobuy. Huaqiang Electronic network is a vertical B2B website for the procurement of electronic components and raw materials, providing professional services for global ic chip/electronic components/accessories buyers, suppliers, traders and manufacturers.

What are the risks of purchasing foreign chips

In other words, even if the Chinese brand chooses self-research and succeeds, it will also be stuck in the manufacturing step, and for the vehicle, in addition to the specific electronic system chip, the most important thing is whether the automatic driving chip will face the risk of sanctions.

is not illegal. Just compareIt's troublesome and expensive to compare. Now most of the low-end chips are mass produced in China, but the relatively high-end ones still need to be imported, so they must be purchased from overseas, such as Samsung's chips, TSMC chips, etc., which are indispensable things on mobile phones. In other words, in just one year, the United States has about $27.3 billion of chip manufacturing orders outflows, which undoubtedly exacerbates the risk of chip supply disruptions in the United States.

Moral hazard. Moral hazard means that due to information asymmetry, one side of the supply chain contract gets the surplus from the other side, which breaks the contract and leads to the supply chainThe crisis of... 2) Information transmission risk.