mos芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 18:05 31
1, The world of chips on motherboards, do you really understand? 2. How does the How does the MOS tube driver chip work? (Take IR2110 as an example 3. Is it true that the Is it...

mos Chip (mos chip structure)

The world of chips on motherboards, do you really understand?

1, sound card chip because most of the motherboards now have integrated sound cards, and the integration is mostly AC '97 sound card chip. Of course, there are CMI 8738 sound card chips and so on.

2, the North bridge chip: is the closest chip to the CPU on the motherboard, which is mainly to take into account the most close communication between the North bridge chip and the processor, in order to improve the communication performance and shorten the transmission distance.

3, the south bridge chip is an important part of the motherboard chipset, generally located on the motherboard far from the CPU slot below, near the PCI slot, generally no heat sink cover.

4, North bridge chip. Near the CPU slot position, this is the core of the motherboard, processing CPU memory, the transfer role of the graphics card 2: South bridge chip. Close to PCI slot, responsible insideSave and PCI devices.

5, Chipset (Chipset) is the core component of the motherboard, almost determines the function of the motherboard, and then affects the performance of the entire computer system. According to the different arrangement position on the motherboard, it is usually divided into north bridge chip and south bridge chip.

6, the motherboard chip is divided into north bridge and south bridge. Northbridge - The advanced chipset became the main bridge mainly to coordinate the communication between the graphics card memory such a high frequency device and the CPU. The North bridge is close to the CPU. Now the North bridge is integrated in the display card and there is no North bridge.

How does the MOS tube driver chip work? (Take IR2110 as an example)

IR2110 is a high-low side drive MOSFET and IGBT driver. The basic steps to drive a single MOSFET tube with the IR2110 are as follows: Connect the power supply: Connect the VCC pin to a 5V or 12V power supply and connect the COM pin to the ground.

IR2110 adopts HVIC and latch-resistant CMOS manufacturing process, DIP14 pin package.

How it works: In MOSFET, the connecting pole is isolated from the P-channel area, so no current is passed directly. The voltage at the junction affects the current in the N-channel region. When the voltage at the junction increases, the current in the N-channel region increases, and the current flows from the source to the sink.

IR2110's high-end drive level (pin 6 and pin 5) is suspended relative to COM, and the bootstrap capacitor connected to VB-VS pin must be charged by opening the lower tube of the half-bridge, so that pin 7 has enough charge to drive the upper tube of the half-bridge. If driving a single MOSFETThen use low-end drive, that is, pin 1 and pin 2, for LIN to PWM signal.

In general, MOS tubes appear on the motherboard in groups of two. How it works Bipolar transistors amplify small current changes at the input and then output large current changes at the output. The gain of a bipolar transistor is defined as the ratio of the output current to the input current (β).

The last half cycle is cut off, the current flowing through the motor is zero, according to the PWM duty cycle control switching time, the longer the switching time, the more current left over the circuit per unit time, the greater the power.

1, the inventor of the cpu can be said to be Intel (Intel) company.

2, the first CPU: Hoff and Intel 4004 In January 1971, Intel Company Hoff successfully developed the world's first 4-bit microprocessor chip Intel 4004, marking the advent of the first generation of microprocessors, microprocessors and microcomputer era began.

3. The name CPU was originally used to describe a series of logic machines that could execute complex computer programs or computer programs. This vague definitionIt was easy to include the computer itself before the name "CPU" was in common use.

MOS semiconductor memory chips can be divided into DRAM and SRAM two kinds, which of them chip circuit...

Compared with DRAM, SRAM has lower integration and higher cost. It is now impossible for general-purpose computers to use SRAM as primary memory.


DRAM is mainly used for main memory (the main part of memory), and SRAM is mainly used for cache memory. ROM is mainly used for BIOS memory. According to its manufacturing process, it can be divided into bipolar transistor memory and MOS transistor memory. According to its storage principle can be divided into: static and dynamic two.

According to the role of the system, it can be divided into internal memory and external memory; Can also be divided into main memory, cache memory, auxiliary memory, control memory; The semiconductor memory is the internal memory, and the disk is the external memory and the auxiliary memory.

RAM(Random access storage) is a type of semiconductor memory. Must work in the case of power, otherwise the stored information will be lost.