美国芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 16:55 37
1, Is America's 1nm chip breakthrough real 2. Countries that export the most chips 3, Why are American chips so strong 4, How big is the gap between Chinese and American chip t...

American Chip (Big Three American chip companies)

Is it true that the United States has broken through 1nm chips

The latest breakthrough in the American computer chip industry is the 1-nanometer chip. According to several media reports, researchers in the United States have successfully developed a new type of manufacturing technology that greatly reduces the cost of chip manufacturing, adding more transistors to smaller chips and achieving greater computing power.

Recent advances in computer chip technology in the United States involve 1 nanometer (nm) chips. Media reports say researchers developedAn innovative manufacturing technique that not only significantly reduces chip manufacturing costs, but also enables an increase in the number of transistors on a smaller chip, thereby increasing computing power.

The nm chip is not the limit. 1nm is the molar limit, that is, the ultimate accuracy of silicon-based chips can only reach 1nm in theory, but due to the limitations of the natural environment, its actual accuracy can never reach 1nm. The smaller the process, the smaller the power consumption, in the case of achieving the same function, the heat is small, and the battery can be used for a longer time.

The most chips exportedCountry

1, the largest chip export country is the United States. The United States chips account for nearly 50% of the global chip supply, and most of the United States chips are sold to the Chinese market, the Chinese market has significantly reduced the purchase of chips to make the United States chips in trouble, and now the United States chips have taken a variety of measures to ensure the security of cash flow in the future survival. 2, the main export destinations of Chinese chips include the following regions and countries: The United States: China is one of the important suppliers of the United States chip market, and the number and value of chips exported to the United States occupy a large proportion. This includes consumer electronics, computingMachine equipment, communication equipment and other fields.

3, and thanks to the outbreak of China's chip demand, South Korea has earned a lot of money by relying on the chip business. According to the Korea International Trade Association (KITA), China accounted for 457 percent of South Korea's total semiconductor exports, the highest level since 2016.

4, the United States semiconductor exports reached 62 billion US dollars, is the fifth largest export commodity in the United States, after refined oil, aviation products, oil and natural gas; In the field of electronic products, semiconductors are the largest export value of the commodity category, much higher than none1, because the United States is the birthplace of the semiconductor industry. With its technological and industrial first-mover advantages, the United States has built the world's most complete chip industry chain, and its annual investment in research and development is also huge.

2, the strongest country in chip technology is currently the United States. Since the 1950s, the United States has begun to develop semiconductors, and this development is continuous and uninterrupted.

3, itself has a certain advanced technology. Of course, adjustment in policy is also one of the factors, and in any case, it is necessary to consider whether its own strength is tough. In the field of chip manufacturingThe United States does have some advanced technology.

How big is the difference between Chinese and American chip technology

1, the gap between China and the United States in chip manufacturing process is mainly reflected in two aspects, one is technology research and development, the second is manufacturing capacity. 2, at present, China's semiconductor material industry overall scale is very small, the technical level is relatively low, the sales scale of domestic materials in this field, accounting for less than 5% of the world. This is really a big gap with developed countries.

3, one is the material aspect, and there is the wafer capacityAbove, for some other sales compared to the United States there is still a considerable gap.

[Autobot] chip sanctions escalate, hurting Chinese car companies

On the surface, this move is an upgrade of AI chip restrictions after a year, and in fact, it is a response measure of the US Department of Commerce to Huawei's Mate60 mobile phone, breaking through the US chip manufacturing restrictions.

Thor chip will get more and more car companies to choose, it can be predicted that Nvidia will be the largest in the field of automotive intelligent chipsJust as companies researching AI cannot do without Nvidia now, smart car companies in the future will also do without Nvidia.

China's Oems in order to deal with the lack of core crisis, the fastest way is to set up a "guarantee group", and some car companies have set up as many as hundreds of groups according to the chip professional categories. However, medium - and long-term measures have turned to promote chip procurement and take the domestic alternative process. And even multinationals must play along.

Due to the imbalance between supply and demand and fewer domestic automotive chip suppliers and other reasons, starting from 2016, some Chinese automotive companies have chip supply problemsThe foot problem. In the past, the automotive chip market has been monopolized by foreign chip giants, and China has imported more than 2 trillion yuan for many years. "Gaogong New Automobile Review" learned that some independent brand car companies have obviously born the need for localization of chips. For example, the first Changan UNI-T model equipped with domestic AI chips has been mass-produced and launched.

The next entry point for the United States is likely to revolve around computing chips. In this way, all car companies operating in China will be exposed to a range of attacks. Article/" Autobot "Li Ye August 27 to August 30, U.S. Department of CommerceSecretary Raimundo visited China.