1, sp1602 octal chip pin voltage 2, sp1602 chip reference voltage 3, sp1602 electric car charger chip pinFunction sp1602 Octet Pin voltage The pin (VCC is the power supply voltag...

sp1602 Power chip charger circuit diagram (sp1601 power chip parameters)

sp1602 Octet Pin voltage


pin (VCC) is the power supply voltage pin. The input power supply voltage of this series IC chip can reach 30 watts. The pin (VREF) is the reference voltage output terminal. The pin has an output voltage of 5 watts and an output current of 5 mA. This reference voltage can be used to power an external circuit.

The reference voltage of the sp1602 chip is 30 watts. According to the query of relevant information, the series of IC chip input power supplyGround potential, depending on application and design. VEE (booster electrode voltage) : Usually a positive voltage, used to enhance the on-off capability of a PMOS tube. The exact number depends on the application and design.

The high level of the output is 15 watts, and the output source current voltage can reach 30 watts. Pin (VCC) is the power supply voltage pin. The input power supply voltage of this series IC chip can reach 30 watts. The pin (VREF) is the reference voltage output terminal. The pin has an output voltage of 5 watts and an output current of 5 mA. This reference voltage can be used to power an external circuit.

You can look at the 1602 LCD manual, onThere is something to be said. VSS is the power supply ground, VDD is the positive (5V) power supply, VEE is the LCD bias signal, grounded through 10K adjustable resistance, used to adjust the contrast.

When the reference voltage is 5V, 5V/65535, at this time, a digital quantity represents a voltage of about 0.076mv. See your maximum input voltage is how much, choose and reference voltage close, the conversion accuracy is higher.

sp1602 electric vehicle charger chip pin function

1 VCC (power supply positive) : 3V or 5V, depending on application and design. VSS (negative power supply) : 0V or ground potential, depending on application and design. VEE (booster electrode voltage) : Usually a positive voltage, used to enhance the on-off capability of a PMOS tube. The exact number depends on the application and design.

2, pin refers to the integrated circuit, the internal circuit of the chip leads to the peripheral circuit wiring, the pin constitutes the interface of this chip, according to the function, AT89S52 pin can be divided into the main power supply, external crystal oscillator or oscillator, multi-function I, O port, and control, gating and reset four categories.

3. Send and receive communications. sr6110bx16 is a pin chip, it is a standard communication transceiver, can be used to send and receive communications, half-duplex communication, including an output driver and a signal receiver.

4, specific to the function and voltage of each pin, which needs to be determined according to the actual circuit design.