According to the white paper, smartphone AR applications have been popular for some time, and AR headsets bound to smartphones will become the mainstream form. It is expected that...

AR applications in the future?

According to the white paper, smartphone AR applications have been popular for some time, and AR headsets bound to smartphones will become the mainstream form. It is expected that by 2026, global consumer AR headset shipments will exceed 53 million units, total revenue will exceed $30 billion, and consumer user scale will exceed 90 million.

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At the same time, the white paper also lists that in the future, AR will achieve in-depth landing in the four consumer areas of social and communication, navigation, games, and sports health, as well as the five major enterprise service areas of automatic grasping, remote AR assistance, networked ambulance, AR fire navigation, and AR surgery, decrypting the demand for cloud, network, and end in various fields.

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At the summit, CAI Mengbo, chief marketing officer of Huawei operator BG, also focused on the Huawei AR Engine platform, saying that this platform is based on Huawei mobile platform for AR development, and 10 lines of code can achieve AR effects, making AR development more convenient.