Forty-third: Heihe devil captured monk to western Longzi catch alligatorThe monster in the Blackwater River turned into a boatman, and the Tang Monk and Bajie took a boat to the bo...

Journey to the West 43 to 44 summary?

Forty-third: Heihe devil captured monk to western Longzi catch alligator

The monster in the Blackwater River turned into a boatman, and the Tang Monk and Bajie took a boat to the bottom. Sand monk diving and that monster fight, can not win. Wukong blamed the dragon King. The Dragon King sends his prince Moang to take over.

Forty-fourth: half yuan Yun car force heart is demon evil degree ridge pass

Go to the country of Che Chi. The king raised the religion and destroyed the Buddha, and the monks were punished to do hard work. Wukong supervised the priest, let the monks go, and woke up Bajie and Sha Seng, blowing the wind to disperse the priest's meeting, knocking down the statue inside the temple, and turning into three Qing eating offerings.