is not
Not a major. Connection: Integrated circuits and microelectronics are both involved in the design, manufacture and application of integrated circuits. Differences: 1, different employment directions: microelectronics is mainly applied for microelectronics, solid state electronics, communications, computer science and other disciplines of graduate students, to integrated circuit manufacturers, integrated circuit design centers and communication and computer and other information science and technology fields to engage in development and research.
Integrated circuits and microelectronics are not a specialty
Microelectronics is the study of miniaturization of electronic devices and circuits.
Integrated circuit, narrowly speaking, refers to chip design, broadly speaking, including chip-related materials, devices, process manufacturing, design, EDA, etc.
is not
Students majoring in microelectronics are trained to master the basic theory and knowledge of electronics and VLSI design and manufacturing, master the analysis and design methods of integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices, and have the ability to independently design the layout.