1 The business scope of each major chip manufacturer includes but is not limited to the production and sale of chip products. 2 chips are the core components of electronic products...

What is the business scope of each major chip manufacturer?

1 The business scope of each major chip manufacturer includes but is not limited to the production and sale of chip products.
2 chips are the core components of electronic products and are used to control and process various functions of electronic devices.
Chips produced by major chip manufacturers are widely used in mobile phones, computers, smart homes, automotive electronics and other fields.
3 For example, Intel is one of the world's leading semiconductor chip manufacturers, its business scope covers computers, communications, industrial, embedded systems and many other fields.
Qualcomm is a chip manufacturer focused on mobile communication technology, and its business scope is mainly focused on smartphones and mobile communications. Huawei's hisilicon Semiconductor focuses on the design and production of chips for mobile communications and the Internet of Things.
4 The continuous development and innovation of chip technology has made the business scope of major chip manufacturers continue to expand and deepen to meet the needs of different fields and applications.