单按键触摸芯片ichaiyang 2024-05-10 7:42 34
The hand pressed the upward button, the hand supported himself against the wall, the hand touched something when sliding down, fixed a look, a small steel plate embedded in the bot...

Elevator Braille button rules?

The hand pressed the upward button, the hand supported himself against the wall, the hand touched something when sliding down, fixed a look, a small steel plate embedded in the bottom of the button, there are protruding irregular arrangement of points, and touched, oh, Braille.

Yesterday morning, I walked 10 minutes from my apartment to the tram stop as usual, took the tram for 30 minutes, changed twice in the middle, and then walked 20 minutes on a small mountain road to the school. These two days in Osaka, it was unexpectedly cold in the morning and evening. I was panting, sweating and my stomach was empty, and I did not hear my favorite music through the headphones on my head, only heard what I said repeatedly in my head: \"Bored, bored, since when is a boss?\" Into the building door, standing in front of the elevator finally some chagrin.

The hand pressed the upward button, the hand supported himself against the wall, the hand touched something when sliding down, fixed a look, a small steel plate embedded in the bottom of the button, there are protruding irregular arrangement of points, and touched, oh, Braille.

After entering the elevator, I looked up again, and there was a button next to each layer of numbers, which was also a little protrusion above, and there were original \"open door\" and \"close door\" next to it.

For so long, I have always tried to save trouble by pressing the disabled button on both sides of the ladder box, because the position is low, and you can rest on the armrest, while turning your head to look at the mirror, as if you suddenly found Braille.

Suddenly not angry, as if to find a new toy, I put my hand on the button, closed my eyes, groping up and down, \"1\

But those protruding small points seem to suddenly burst into my heart, looking for a few things, to the laboratory, to the canteen, and even actively to buy lunch for my colleagues, only to close their eyes up and down to touch those buttons.

I fumbled back and forth all morning, but still ended in failure.

So I began to open my eyes, rubbing the astringence of the contact lenses, lying on the elevator board carefully identify, \"1\" on the left is a cross break, the right is a point; The left side of \"2\" is still a horizontal fold, and the right side is two vertical points; The right side of the \"3\" is two points horizontally, and the right side of the \"4\" is a small fold; To the right of the \"5\" are two diagonal points.

As for \"on\" and \"off\" is I can not find the rule of the dots, oh, the original so complicated.

And colleagues downstairs, the hand or tube can not stop on the board, answered the curious eyes of colleagues, colleagues smiled: \"People seem to lose what, organs become quite sensitive.\"

All your organs are functioning normally now, so of course you can't feel them.

To think that those who are blind will never be able to see these little dots, and perhaps only know when all the senses are concentrated in the fingertips in the dark.

To be able to live in this world healthily, at least for now, without illness or disaster, is already a very happy thing.

Hand left the elevator board, out of the building door, I opened my eyes, greeted is blooming red, white big cuckoo, took a deep breath, quickly speed up the pace to the laboratory

Kiss, the elevator Braille button is designed to facilitate the use of elevators by visually impaired people. Here are some common elevator Braille button rules:

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1. Braille buttons are usually located at the very bottom of the elevator button panel, and sometimes may be located on the side or top.

2. Braille buttons usually have raised Braille signs to indicate different floors or functions.

3. Braille button floor signs generally use Arabic numerals, may also use Braille numerals.

4. Elevator Braille buttons usually have raised edges to help visually impaired people identify and touch more easily.

5. There may be other auxiliary signs on the Braille button, such as \"open door\

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It should be noted that different regions and different types of elevators may have different design rules, so the specific rules may vary. It is recommended that when using the elevator, visually impaired people can confirm the location and function of the Braille button by touching or asking people around them.