The n5532 is a high-performance, low-noise, dual-channel op-amp chip with many features, such as low noise, high gain bandwidth product, and high common-mode rejection ratio. Its main application areas are audio amplification, high fidelity audio amplification and so on. This chip is very popular in the market because its performance is very good and the price is relatively low. For applications that require high quality audio amplification, the n5532 is a good choice. In addition, it has a good voltage input range and low power consumption, which can be applied to many different circuit designs.
N5532 is a double op amp,8 pin for VCC power supply,NE5534 is a single op amp,7 pin for VCC power supply, you can knowHowever, the N5532 is definitely a double op amp, the 5532 of Philips and Big S is also a double op amp, and the 5532 of JRC is also a double op amp627, 827,2604,604,132,627,604 is single,827,2604 is double,132 is not clearInput 5-10V, then how much power do you supply? Plus or minus 15V? The maximum output of the op amp is about plus or minus 13V when the power supply is plus or minus 15V. You need to input 5-10V, design a voltage follower